First, a word of warning: Slim-n-stacked fans for whom only the proportions of big tits contrasted against a slender body will do turn away now! You had your moment with Rachel yesterday anyway and, since MyBoobSite is dedicated to big breasts on women of all shapes and sizes, I shall be exercising my right make a move toward the extremely voluptuous end of the spectrum today. You have been warned. ;~)
Remember back when I’d started recruiting busty women who might happen to fancy having a boob site to call their very own where they could show us their tits and make some money for themselves in the process? Well, we’ve had loads of responses from that and, so far, about a dozen models both amateur and professional have followed through in taking us up on the offer (you can see our current roster of BreastFiles Playmates in the upper-right corner of this blog with more on the way coming shortly, just as soon as their sites have been prepared).
Well, every once in a while, we come across someone so exceptionally well-endowed that their massive tits totally take your breath away (and I mean this quite literally, as being smothered in boobs is a very real possibility with some of these extremely big-breasted girls!). Such was indeed the case the first time I laid eyes upon voluptuous blonde BBW Kelly…

…now, no disrespect to my slim-n-stacked loving brethren, but who amongst big breast lovers could resist such a huge pair of tits?! Not me, that’s for sure!! Although I can appreciate (read “be aroused by”) everything ranging from lithesome, slender girls to plumpers & big, beautiful women (provided they have reasonably big boobs, of course) sometimes its nice to encounter unreasonably massive breasts of such profound mammary magnitude that you could just get lost wallowing in them for days.
And, being the sucker for big tits (big tit blondes doubly so) that I am, our Kelly fills the bill (not to mention a 40K bra) more than adequately for this particular extreme breast-fetish fantasy of mine. I say “fantasy” because I’ve sadly not yet have the pleasure to indulge myself in luxurious, soft pillow boobs and deep, cavernous cleavage like K-cup Kelly’s before (having only worked my way up to a G-cup so far), so such remains relegated solely to my big boob dreams. :~( It does, however, remain on my “life list” of things to do before I die so, dearest lovely Kelly, if you’re reading this, please know that you’ve got what it takes to make this big breast lover’s fantasies of getting “up close & personal” with truly massive mammaries come true! ;~)
But enough of my self-indulgent attempts at pulling this big blonde beauty for my own personal sexual gratification (btw, Kelly, did I mention that I am a kind-hearted, generous and respectful man in his early-40s with a GSOH?), I’d best get on with sharing a few of my favourite photos from her new site! I found especially unique and enjoyable the voyeuristic pics of Kelly dressing, her huge breasts dangling pendulously down against her legs as she pulls on her stockings and zips up her leather boots. Playing the voyeur when faced with that scenario would be beyond me, though, as the overwhelming urge to sneak up behind her and grab hold of those gigantic juggs would just be a temptation too hard for me to resist (I’d only be holding them out of the way for her, mind. see? I told you I was kind!).
Then again, the close-up combination titfuck / blowjob pictures are quite compelling as well, as I can easily imagine my cock going absolutely AWOL tunneling through that colossal cleavage whilst Kelly eagerly mounts an emergency search party consisting of her lips & tongue to find it within the deep breast-flesh canyon, at long last sucking my cock into the comfort of her warm, moist mouth. Sure, if I’d sent up a flare of semen to alert her to the presence of my penis between her titanic tits she could’ve potentially triangulated my location far more quickly, but cumming so soon would’ve just spoiled the point of our cleavage / cock reconnaissance fantasy role-playing fellatio scenario (although I must admit that being sucked off limp can be a special erotic treat in itself!).
Barring busty breast-sex-blowjobs, I’d be genuinely content just cuddling – nestling my head into the comfy cushion pillows perched upon Kelly’s chest, toying with her low-slung nipples and grabbing great, heavy handfuls of heaving breast-flesh from either side until my face was entirely consumed within this wobbly tit-meat sandwich, occasionally releasing them to flop to the sides so I could glance upwards toward her gorgeous face looking down at me, catching her eyes with my own so that she could behold the glee with which I was relishing the veritable big tits playground she provided (big tits playground? no, more like a mega-mammary theme park!) and plant an adoring and appreciative kiss at the cusp of her cleavage.
Ah, just to have such a close encounter with such enormous breasts on such a beautiful, voluptuous girl like Kelly would see my busty dreams fulfilled (well, that particular subset of my wide-ranging big breast-obsession at least, although I’m sure I’d be keen to repeat the experience ad infinitum if granted the ongoing, open opportunity to indulge myself in the curvaceous charms that our sweet Kelly has to offer). But, alas, I’ve already spent far too much of your valuable time whittering on incessantly about my unfeasibly large breast fantasies sans additional photographic evidence (oh, and there are videos on her site, too!). Thus, for those of you who can appreciate the massive boobs on this lovely larger lady, here are a few photos of the delightfully cuddly 40K Kelly courtesy of Kelly’s Playmate Site:

It’s all good!!!!!! Big and small, all women can be sexy. But nothing beats a nice set of boobs for some. If those big soft mounds of flesh are connected to a thin women that’s cool, if they are connected to a bigger women that’s fine too.
Like I said, it’s all good.
Man, in my opinion you should have a warning for when you post those skinny bitches. Big round ladies of the world, you’re more gorgeous than those lightposts.
Kelly is hot. She can come by my place and get fucked any time of the day (or night). My girlfriend would love her as well.
As the Slim ‘n’ stacked union man around here I would like to address the misconception that has been given to the brethren and redress the balance of view and policy.
Contrary to the perceived wisdom s’n’s lovers do not dislike the the chubby girls we just do not believe that they are strictly apart of the big breast scene without qualification. No one said we didn’t like them. It’s the chubby chasers who have this vitriol for the slim ‘n’ stacked beauties.
This fine example of big breasts is exactly what I am talking about she qualifies for the big breast category because she has big breast over and above what would seem to be normal for someone her size and shape. She has got great breasts.
It is and always will be about contrast.. There is no escaping it or denying it.
Please do not turn us, s’n’s brethren, into the latest must hunt to extinction species.
Reese by the way is that you knob?
No, Sam, this is my knob… :~P
Reese are you showing off again! I don’t know any excuse to whiiiiiiiip it out you get! You big monster!
I agree with Sam- I like slim and stacked babes mostly because they have big tits, and not because the rest of them is big too. A girl like this has huge tits regardless of the rest of her- I LOVE that!
And really, I don’t ONLY like S&S babes. One of my favorite big-tit babes are Eden Mor who is far from slim and stacked. Of course one my top favorites of all time who I think is one of the most gorgeous women in the world, Jelena Jasper, is a big girl too, and really damn hot!
I think she is a really lovely girl but I Just don’t get it with Jeleena. I admit that it is most definitely my shortcomings and not everyone else’s and definitely not hers. Vadd, what am I missing!? Please tell!
I suppose we all have similar tastes but there will always be examples of women that we just don’t all agree on, so Jelena is one of those for you.
For ME, she is just gorgeous. Beautiful face, amazing tits, great body. The few short videos of her I have seen shows she is also very sexy and just a little bit (okay, maybe more than a little bit!) dirty and I love that too.
Look at this picture:
That is just a HOT woman!
I saw the picture and what I got from it was, she looks really filthy. Reeeeeaally dirty, like a dirty filthy little whore. Which is sexy and yes I would love to do her in arse and cum all over her face and slap her about a bit then spit a little, just to add to the flavour and then some cream pie action with then to top it all off with ATM…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….OH, I GET IT NOW, yes. I’m feeling you now buddy, yeeeees, dirt rules!!!! Why didn’t you say that in the beginning!
Thanks Vadd… Cool
That was a bit more exuberance for Jenla from you that I expected but I am glad you agree with me and like her.
The one other thing I forgot to mention as to why I think she is so incredibly hot is that she is a real, honest to goodness sweetheart of a person.
Please qualify Vadd! You sound like you’ve met her.
I love this girl she is great, I love women with bigboobs. I am always on the look out for busty ladies for my site.