Toward the end of February, I received an inquiry from MyBoobSite reader Juan regarding a model on the MexicanLust site. He wrote, “Any info on the busty woman there? Don’t know her name, but she’s real nice…shoulder length hair, nice round breasts and a nice ass. Please let me know… THANK YOU, Juan”
Sorry to take so long in getting back to you, Juan, but I get the impression from your description that you’re talking about MexicanLust model Maritza. If that’s the case, then here’s what I’ve found: Maritza is 40 years old, having been born on May 1st, 1966 in Andras, Jalisco, Mexico. She’s married – albeit on her 3rd husband at the moment – and currently works as an accountant, an accounting teacher and an aerobics instructor (in addition to her nude modelling, that is).
Maritza loves erotic games, going “on the pull” in dance clubs wearing extremely erotic clothes – chatting up guys and flirting outrageously – whilst her husband sits apart and observes. In Maritza’s own words, “When I dance with a cute boy I move very very sexy. I love to feel his leg between mines, at this point I am very wet then let him take me by the bips while I rub my breasts in his chest at the rythm when I am about to cum I know it is time to stop, I slow down and get apart.”
Shocking behaviour, that… *lol* …although I must admit that I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on her bips (if only I knew WTF her “bips” were!). The real shocker, however, is her cup-size: With measurements of 38-24-40, Maritza is a mere D-cup (granted, she looks a wee bit bigger). Thus, I’m sorry to say that she really doesn’t qualify for MyBoobSite. But seeing as we’ve come so far, it would be a pity not to at least show you some photos of Maritza, courtesy of

She qualifies!!! Damn she is on point for being 40!
We should start a collection to pay for this woman to have a propper fitting. I agree those beautiful brests must be bigger than a D. They aren’t the largests, but Maritza must be pushing at the E/F range. Plus, her proportions are my idea of perfection, and I would love to rest easy in the comfort of knowing she astually does qualify as a “My Boob Site” girl. Thanks for the pics.
hmmmm well if she is a D then I know alot of other women claming to be a D arnt even close to a D then……nice pics.
damn shes cute =p
Bout’ time, Ive been spanking it to this women for a long time….
( Built like my wife )
in this case perfect ass and lovely thighs more than make up for the loss.
She doesn’t qualify? Reese, you have to be smarter than that. Many (perhaps most) big bust models exaggerate their cup size. 38GG usually means 38DD. Instead of determining who “qualifies for this site” by using the fake bra size that a model publicizes, you should judge with your own eyes.
Maritza is a full D-cup, at least bordering on DD. Her breasts are bigger than some of the women you have on this site semi-regularly. And her hourglass figure is amazing. I was member of that site for a while and downloaded thousands of tremendous pics. She’s amazing.
Really nice bod, too bad she leaves her face out of most of them. The “Maxi” headless fembot thing doesn’t really take me there.
Sweet, sweet bod though. Damn near perfect.
She’s a cracker – no doubt about it at all (therefore, she qualifies, IMO). A fine example of a great looking older lady. :-)
Does she have many pics available on the net ?
She doesn’t qualify? I had to read that one again. Come on man.
She is somewhat close to perfect in my eyes, if she didnt have that husband :)
WE need more of her. Dont we?
Holy Shit!! Perfecto!
maybe she means ‘hips’, which looks kinda like ‘bips’
Damn, they angel tits!
Yea we all know shes not a D cup. Im thinkin about the E/F range.
I think the general feeling is that she qualifies haha.
Man what the hell is wrong with you? I dont know about you….but those are some big pretty tites. Fuck that she qualifies. I say if she has more than a handfull….all the qualification I need. Keep up the good work.
bips, are boys… or so that is what I’ve been told by several women… I may be wrong. As for her bust size, she is a little larger than a D cup… possibly a DD/E. My girlfriend is built just like her, with a little more hip to go with it… and well she is about the same size, and she is a DD/E matters on the bra.
damn….damn…DAMN fine woman!!!
There are a quite a few others at that site I wouldn’t mind seeing over here (or more preferrably, in person).
I was thinking about this, maybe she is in denial? Seems odd for a web chick…..but how knows. It seems to me that its mentally traumatic for women to admit they are over a D cup. I know my wife struggled with it for a while, claiming she was a D when she was falling outta her D cup bras……finally she admitted it and got one that fit :)
Please Reese more of this wonderful woman!! perfect boobs!!! lovely areolas!! make a vote in the blog, and all members sure they ll vote for her for long… tahnks Reese for Pechos Grandes latinos! he,he!
She’s certainly My Boob Site material! More please!!!
Like others have already said: WOW! Don’t know what size bra she wears… but they look DAMN good to me! Want to know what breast size I prefer? BIG. Thats it, BIG. So D, DD, G… whatever the hell. If I look at them, they look nice and big then I’m happy.
Also, I am curious as to what everyone thinks of that last picture of her with the cock in her mouth. Most who reply don’t talk about not liking anything hard core (I for one love it, I think she looks so beautiful in that picture doing that) and wonder what everyone thinks.
In case we go for a voting session, we can only say I’ll vote YES! She is more than qualified! :D And I did not knew her…! What a great new find.
ummmm….she might not have the biggest breast on the site but she more than qualifies and she has a beautiful behind.
I agree that she must be bigger than her stated size on the site. Either that or D-cup is a lot bigger than I thought.
And even if she doesn’t qualify on straight size, can’t she get points for form? Her breasts may only be large and not colossal, but damned if they aren’t beautiful and perfectly shaped.
I took a peek at their website. Holy shit! There were lots of pix of Martiza where you can see her face and several other latina godesses. They’re chincy though, you can’t download any of the preview pix that I saw. Reese, please raid this site and bring us a whopping ton of those pix. Overwhelming, screaming, burning turbo hotties everywhere. Please, Reese. Please, please, please.
Of course she qualifies, and her waist and butt are a delicious bonus. She also knows how to pose provacatively, and she adds just a taste of hardcore which suits me perfectly. I hope we’ll see more of her on your site.
Certainly qualified! Looks great- and big, whatever letter her bra size is.
Compare her pics to Ashley. HH vs. D? Someone is lying.
Cup sizes are bull.
More please more….
This is what I call perfection!!!
All I can say is “Thank You Lord for putting the Angel Maritza on planet Earth”
Absolutely Amazing!!!!!!!
at first upon reading this entry, i thought definitely yes she should be qualified. but looking back now, and comparing her to other models… she really doesnt compare, and you were right in the first place
She’s bustier than some of the women you’ve posted here Reese….like that teen entry recently Abbigail etc. She more than qualifies for this blog!!!
Does she have any hardcore vids? I’d like to see her in action
ofcourse she qualifies, if she would be on here this would be my new homepage…
I recently found your website and love it, and when I saw the pics of Maritza, I fell in love. She is the epitome of the perfect woman…..more pics or vids….please?!!!?
Damn!! Get more of her pics, please!
Size of boobs is one thing. Shape of nipples/areola weighes as much! Maritza has big nipples and areola with pleasantly darker color and small beads on it. These two big roses are just arousing!! In my opinion, compared with Maria Swan’s slightly bigger boobs, Maritza’s are much stronger magnets, all because of nipples/areola.
I see her the sexist woman on earth …..lovely MARITZA!!!
hello evrry body iam poor man and i love any picture about maritza if any person has any location about here send to me any help please and in my country we have no credit card
Even considering Maritza’s proportions, I still doubt that she is merely a D-cup. I would at least put her at a DDD but I’m not even convinced that she is in the D category. I agree with an early poster who commented that the info. seems rather skewed, and her breasts are propbably WAY larger. In any case, Maritza is friggin hot and with the massive babylons she simply cant be ignored! :)
she´s awsome…she can make even war stops…i love her..
I think the thing is that she’s probably not real tall, so the D-cups stand out more (so to speak). Either way she’s a knockout.
No matter who says what this is the perfect woman!!
This woman is breathtaking on a scale I’ve NEVER seen before!!!
Hi all!
Remember a 38D cup is as bigger as a 36 DD cup or a 34E cup. Yes, these tits are the same:
Anyway I think she is an E or F cup using the UK system of many UK manufacturers. (Manufacturers are the problem, each one makes bras without standar criterions)
No mas quiero decir que tener una mujer como Maritza sera in sueno incomparable a ninguna cosa en este mundo. Maritza aparece a unable reina bellisima y su cuerpo afuera de este universo. Como sera tener a esta mujer a mi lado. I would love to have this beautiful woman at my side for life. La amo …manny
If Maritza would do a matchup with Kristina Milan or Miosotis, she would be instantly flattened. Dominican Poison a/k/a Mizz Issy would do the same to Maritza. Maritza simply does not have enough to compete against the best.
hot boobs
she is the best