I am sooo glad you guys are watching out for me. I’ve been spending so much time tediously tying up loose ends in preparation for our upcoming trip back to the ‘States, I’ve not had time to keep up with latest breakthrough developments in the world of big boobs. It’s not been all work and no play, though, as Vix & I went to “swing camp” this past weekend! We had a great time, although Vix did get a little sunburned during the first overcast, drizzly day there (the rest of us sensibly waiting for the following sunny day to do so). But, despite being there with about 50 of our bestest swinging mates, we only managed to have sex with each other (unless you count snogging, groping, tit-sucking & blowjobs, that is, which is really nice around a campfire and gives a whole new meaning to “toasting our weenies & warming our buns”). I can just hear it now: “This one time, at swing camp…”
As for the “watching out for me” bit, I’m referring to a message from CurveLover I received whilst we were away. To wit: “OK, has anyone seen the NEWEST models over at Divinebreasts? First there was Cristina, who is hot but to me not quite DB material. But now, unannounced, comes ANN, who brings “Slim’n’Stacked” to a whole new level. Anya is gorgeous and almost unreal in her proportions, but Ann is even more extreme. Skinny legs and a Rack bigger than her torso. I pity this poor girl’s back. I predict she will go for a reduction in a few years after she’s made some money off modeling. Really, they’re as huge as Alicia’s but with a body skinnier than any other girl on the site. Cute face too, and clearly pretty shy. Blog this one please!!!”
Thanks, CurveLover, and so I shall. I don’t know that I’d necessarily consider Ann to be in the “slim & stacked” category (although she is decidedly thinner than Alicia), but I do agree that her mammary assets are most impressive! I love the way her pendulous 38J breasts seem to extend all the way below her arms, too, and can’t wait ’til we get to see the glorious view from behind (one of my favourites, and a great way of scoping out naturally well-endowed women without being overly obvious). Ann’s also one of those lovely MILTs (no, not MILF, but MILT – i.e. Mothers In Leather Trousers – as first identified in the Roger McGough poem), and just cuddly enough to make for a most comfortable fuck. May there be much more of Ann and her hefty J-cup hangers gracing their site in the future. For now, here are a few sample photos of the latest discovery at DivineBreasts.com:

OMFG!! The mothership has landed! I’m going HOME!!
Reese: Ann is quite a knockout but i don’t know if she is a “slim’n’stacked”, not compared to Anya/Merilyn…wait your metion of her should have made VeryFree start complaining about her.¿It didn’t?. Odd. Well, where were we?, yes Ann. I like the way her pale skin contrast with her hair, a tight t-shirt shot would be nice. I don’t see anything wromg with Cristina beyond the fact that she is a little under the standars of this blog but i wouldn’t mind if she is blogged here again.
A question though, ¿have you seen the Jana/Maggie Green Burst Bra video?
I’ve heard of the thirty thousand foot club, what’s it called when you’re out in mother nature’s land? Thousand mosquito bite club? :-)
As for Ann, Reese says, “.. her mammary assets are most impressive.” Hell, they’re awesome! They’re exquisite! They’re sumptuous! (excessively luxurious or magnificent) They’re the way J-cup breasts ought to be! She’s a mini Eden!
Since I’m a member, I guess I’ll have to get by butt over there and bone up on her! :-) I hope to see a lot more of her, especially videos. And of course, more skin, too. Maybe see if she’s a real blonde! I sure wish the webmaster would put up som vital statistics on her and the others. So far, all we have is J cup. But that’s fairly obvious from the looks of her!
Wow, I was actually listened to! Well I figured you’d get around to these lovely new models.
Actually I was quite interested in Cristina before signing up this round and yes she is a gorgeous woman. If she was in front of me I’d obviously be having an even stronger reaction. No real complaints about her at all.
But the flagship woman of DB will always be Alicia, with Pam and Anya not far behind. Anya/Merilyn is everywhere though, and I somehow find her hard to get too much into because she her proportions are so unreal and she is getting a bit too comfortable with the camera for my taste. In otherwords too good to be true! Alicia and Pam also have incredible racks, but the rest of their bodies follow suit with more thickness and softness. All that lovely baby fat didn’t just settle in two places on their chests.
Ann and Anya however share in common a vast difference from their arm and leg thickness to their chests. Yes Ann may indeed have a bit more flab in the tummy area, but hell she needs help on that torso to carry those humongous things! They’re clearly bigger than Anya’s so it’s no surprise she’s not quite as “slim” everywhere but good lord is she top-heavy! You can clearly tell that from the third photo as she poses from the side. Not many women have TITS AS THICK AS THEIR THIGHS and BIGGER THAN THEIR CALVES. Hopefully we’ll get to see a lot more. From DB’s latest upcoming teasers there’s at least another set on the way so I look forward to seeing more. I agree that Ann’s super-pale skin is another unique part of her look. She is like a porcelain doll with a giant soft rack.
I also think Colombina is a bit underrated on the site. She has a rare blonde Latina quality and a bit of a MILF vibe which is very hot. Of course Joanna is great as well but she also gets around. I wanted to draw attention to those models exclusive to DB and well worth the price of entry. These are all women that make you say HOLY SH**. Damn are they blessed.
My goodness Ann :) Thx Reese for putting another one in my top 10 list :)
Mucho gracias! hehe
Cristina, Ann- and Alicia ( Div. Br. ) Sorry, I will waste no words over Cristina. She is nice to see, but she should better send in her name to an office for mannequins; there is no place for her on this site, I think.
New girl Ann will gladly take over her place… and we welcome her. And after all, guys, we have still our adorable lovely, unique, the “one and only Alicia”! When you are depressed.. then take a look at her new breath-taking picture on Divine Breasts.com site, called “picture of the week” and you will understand what I mean.. and that you must feel at once you are a man ! I can hardly imagine what would happen (to me ) when meeting this girl with her “enigmatical” look, in this outfit, on a distant beach: at the least: a stiff neck during one week !! I will enlarge this all revealing picture, go to Paris ( Louvre Museum ) and will exchange ( on the sly ) the “Mona Lisa” for my enlarged Alicia picture, change the letterpress into “Mona Alicia”…. Who can predict what is happening then – except for interference of the police- You may tell me.
Sorry for my bad English Peter ( The Netherlands )
ann is total royalty when talking about breasts…as it is written above, notice how their breasts it is the kind that extend even bellow her arms….extremely arousing!!!!!!!!!!
I downloaded several of Ann’s pics and videos (divinebreasts.com), and the pics are okay, however I can’t remember seeing her smile. In the fifth pic, she holds those wonders out like a pair of wings, which shows how well-anchored they are to her chest, but the pose isn’t all that sensuous. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how things work out as time goes on.
Of the first four videos of her I downloaded, I was disappointed. In one of them (actually all four were similar), all I got to see was her slinging those puppies from side to side, nothing more (well other than she’s slapping herself silly with those whoppers). In the fourth one she looks liike she’s chattering on about something, but I couldn’t hear anything.
She is obviously inexperienced. Perhaps as time goes on she will develop into a more sensuous model, where she picks one of those big boobs up, puts it to her lips, sucks on her nipple, fondles her big boob, caresses it with her fingertips, and offers it to her viewer… :-) It’s those little sensuous acts that add up to a good performance. And hopefully she’ll expose more skin for the viewers’ pleasure. Shed those clothes, babe!
As for curvelover’s comments about her flabby middle, she looks like she’s maybe late twenties or early thirties, so it’s not unexpected that she’s a bit thicker around the middle. Her legs and arms, what little we could see of them, look nice. Cute face, too. Surprising that she wasn’t modeling years earlier, with those colossal casabas!.
who cares about her flabby middle. these women are mostly natural and those are the “mistakes” that are related to the natural look in general. women who dont have those “mistakes” are way to hard to find in real life. the media has influenced us all way too much with the plastic “perfection”…
as for the comment of Very Free above, i can only say that these women do those sometimes not exciting videos simply because the idiots who film them are a bunch of incompetent people. they’ve been in this business for who knows how long and they just dont film grotesquely with no professionalism…
one thing i noticed in most of the porn videos is that if ,for example, the video or scene is about big breasts, the camera is usually way to close to the breasts and you can’t barely see the breast as such in the context of the whole body, that is from a certain distant…
i think it is more exciting or arousing just to see a naked woman move around the house doing any sort of work, be it cooking, or cleaning the house or even running, especially if they are inexperienced in the business.
I’ve voiced my oppinion on Sapphire and other models and I think that Christina is much prettier. The other girls really need to take more care of themselves.
I wan’t relly complaining about Ann’s middle, just allowing that keeps her a bit lower in the Slim’n’Stacked category. I love real girls, the realer the better, and flab happens. No problem.
I think this also explains her awkward poses – she is clearly trying to cover up her belly in certain shots and angles. I’d wager her stone-faced look is nerves, but she has a serene look about her that’s not as dosturbing as some other models who look miserable. I think she cracks a smile in an upcoming shoot (there are blinking previews on Divinebreasts.com now including hotter shots of Ann in a brown shirt).
About Cristina Tonange: I think that she is not in the taste of your Blog and of your “clients” but I saw her on other Blogs where they will NEVER put any of the girls that you post here.
So I simply think that it is a good marketing operation. If guys from your site don’t like her, they will look at the other girls and the same from that other BIG Blog: they will look at Cristina Tonange and will be disgusted by all the other girls.
Anyway I like Cristina especially for her very slim waist and her DD boobs shape.