I’m feeling rather random and somewhat pissed off today. In this morning’s e-mail, I received an announcement that voting was well under way for the esteemed Blogger’s Choice Awards and, having visited the site, found that I hadn’t received a single nomination! :~( I suppose this isn’t surprising, really, since the buggers don’t even have a category for “Best Porn Blog”. What’s up with that?! Aren’t they aware that porn queries comprise the #1 search topic on the ‘net?? In fact, the title for today’s blog is nothing more than a list of 4 of the top 5 search terms over the past 90 days (yes, I’m a stickler for stats and laboriously research such things to optimise my blogging). Imho, they’re just missing out on the biggest demographic on the net: porn surfers! Oh, and for those of you the least bit interested, the singular non-pornography related query to make the top five in the past three months was “MySpace”.
Moving on to other news, I also learned this morning (courtesy of Google Alerts, delivered fresh to my inbox each day) that the latest series of Big Brother here in Britain features a lovely Welsh girl by the name of Laura Williams who is blessed with huge 40HH breasts (hmmm, I may have to start watching now in eager anticipation of some impromtu topless hot-tub action, the likes of which we’d seen in prior seasons of the program)! Apparently, the Daily Star took on the task of determining alternative applications for her massive HH-cup bra with results ranging from a killer catapult to a convenient holder for two six-packs to a serviceable sun shade for those tandem tanning sessions. They should know better than to take the piss out of big tits, as it may cause the rare & wonderful women so exceptionally well-endowed to become a tad self-conscious about their bountiful boobage. Shame on them.
Our next totally random topic of the day is nipple piercings. I’d posted a poll over on TheBreastFiles – the official forums of MyBoobSite – asking whether or not folks were keen on this practice. My query was stimulated by the fact that I’d never seen pierced nipples in porn before (until today, that is) and was curious as to what others thought, having come to the erstwhile conclusion that breast lovers don’t particularly like this sort of thing. However, speaking to a number of women who have had it done, I’ve also learned that it can enhance the sensitivity and increase said nipple’s sexual responsiveness. Personally, I couldn’t give a toss either way (as long as there are boobs involved), but what’s your opinion? Do you think that nipple piercings enhance the appearance of the breast…or do they detract from its natural beauty? Thus, and because of the disappointing voter turnout over at TBF, I’ve decided to repeat the poll below in hopes of achieving a more statistically significant sample…
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…all well and good, really, but where’s the porn, pussy & sex bits promised in the title?! We wouldn’t want sundry Googlers to go away disappointed now, would we? Of course we wouldn’t – so, today, these humble offerings come in the form of a representative collection of big boobs photo & video galleries from breast fetish site BigBoobDreams.com:

there is something wrong with the videos mate, there not working!
It is not so much the love or hate issues, as being distracted by how much that had to hurt.
Baubles on the trees.
Breast piercings… I don’t hate ’em, but I don’t love ’em. If it’s there… it’s there and I’ll work with it. I dated a girl a ways back with a piercing and it was quite interesting. She really seemed to enjoy the use of it… and when she was happy… heh heh… I was happy. :)
PIERCINS ARE AWSUM! wen u lick the nipple it feels rly good.
I clicked “hate em” on the pierced nipple vote. I don’t hate them I guess but I greatly prefer nipples au natural just like titties. I’ve been with girls who had them, it’s less fun for me to suck pierced nipples, the metal bar is just kind of a turn off for me.
Great pix this time Reese! A gorgeous buffet of big boobed hotties. Love the title of this post too. It kind of reminds me of the title of an ancient Butthole Surfers song : “Booze, tobacco, dope, pussy, cars”. If ever there was a better song title, I’d like to know what it is.
Haha… i’m one of the people who doesn’t care when tits are involved. I like the gallery, too. Its very diverse. Keep up the good posts.
Very few know this, but I did have my left nipple pierced for a brief time. It was before I started modeling. I love it, but as the lady at the shop warned, it was going to be tough for me.
I was on an F cup, and when I walked into the place, not one of the three men would do the piercing. Finally, a very, very butch woman said, “I ‘ll take care of you sweetie!” And, she most certainly did.
I miss it! However, the results of it are fantasic. My left nipple is far more sensitive. There was a time, after it was first remove, when I could cum simply by having my nipple sucked!
Nipple piercing destroys some of the ducts of the nipple, thus ruining part of the natural function it has… Plus, it’s more difficult to suck on a pierced nipple, the way a nipple should be sucked ;) But this is my opinion…
Nice collection of titties
Ya know I……………… love the flesh baby girl……………I guess i just wanna have nipple