Just a quickie today so we can catch up with developments in a day in the life of Rachel Aldana. Oh, and speaking of “developments”, shortly after we’d last looked in on Rachel, the good folks at PinUpGlam announced that this formerly 32JJ well-endowed wonder’s already huge breasts had expanded even further to fill a K-cup bra! But bras be damned, I say, as it’s evident from these behind-the-scenes shots from her last photo session for sister site PinUpFiles.com that Rachel’s tits are far better off going topless. Standing in support of my supposition, here are a few sneaky shots of Rachel in and out of her too-tight bikini-top courtesy of PinUpGlam.com…

…but that’s beside the point, really, as the true intent of today’s post was merely to catch up on how now 32K Rachel Aldana is getting along with her day. As I’d suspected, having arisen from her gentle slumbers and having taken the perfunctory glance out her window to make sure the world was still there, lovely dishevelled bed-head Rachel heads straight for the bathroom. However, rather than immediately going for a pee and brushing her teeth (which is what I’d be wont to do), Rachel just stands in front of the mirror and lackadaisically brushes her hair!
Indeed, it would seem that this busty beauty is not only exceptionally endowed in the big breast department, but had an iron-clad bladder as well! Personally, I’m waiting with great hopefulness to see if Rachel brushes her teeth since it would no doubt get those huge tits jiggling a treat (unless she has one of those bloody sonic toothbrushes, that is, because it would vibrate her boobs at far too high a frequency to be caught on meagre 30fps video). Anyway, here’s a brief preview from the 3rd episode of the “Day with Rachel” videos from PinUpGlam.com:

In the second pic, her boobs are literally twice the size of her head. Magnificent.
Such a gorgeous woman, unbelievable. But again, her vid clips are so dull.
wow, simply astounding. i don’t understand how women could just chop off their breasts when there are guys like us around!
its crazy,you can really see there growing in the third pic….cheers reece =3
You just can’t buy those! Nature is better than any sillicone. She is utterly amazing and they are truely a force of nature.
Mr Unnatural give her time to develop her craft and she will produce some of the best material; she already has the assets that set her apart in a very,very, very exclusive club only reserved for names such as Chesty Morgan. Give her time! I’m not saying she will have the personality of Maria Moore but then I’m not sure she will need anywhere near as much that with assets like those.
God I love this girl.
This seems too damn good to be true…
Please never wake me from this dream…Every post gets better.
I can see Mr. Unnatural’s point. The vids are not the most erotic. But I will give her this she has some of the best laying in bed (http://www.myboobsite.com/blog/rachel-aldana-tattoos-oh-and-more-video/) and walking through her apartment (I think my Europe brothers call them Flats) vids I have ever seen.
She is nothing short of amazing. I love the way her nipples stand out so perfectly, like the summits of two glorious mountains.
I think her motions are too slow and deliberate. As if she’s just there for the still photos. I think that’s why the videos lose there appeal so quickly.
Guys Guys Guys
She is a gorgeous big boobed gal. Enjoy it for what it is.
Men think turn on the camera and women automatically will know how to be sexy. The first time I did it. Camera man no instructions said “Okay, now be sexy”. I thought, ‘how in the hell do I do that.’
Most models are terrified about filming, then some just love it. I have seen some models freeze up when filming, completely clueless and personality disappear. Then I have filmed first timers who just lit up when the filming began. You never know, no matter how beatiful the woman is.
Like “Sam” says, give her time.
Even I had to learn how to be sexy. Was a stripper for years before doing porn helped.
Sam, maybe you can take her under your wings and give her a few pointers on how to be a sexy vixen. She’s just a fragile, inexperienced young thing, show her the ropes….also feel free to tape the lessons for our viewing pleasure and also feel free to use liberal amounts of oil and your tongue as well. Toss Maria Moore in there as a substitute teacher as well. :)
Rachel is breathtakingly beautiful. The third photo is my favourite, a moment of absolute breast perfection. The sheer size and volume of her round, gravity-defying breasts leaves me awe-struck. And then her gorgeous, erect nipples…
I was about to say that she is my ultimate fantasy girl, but she is beyond fantasy. She is a goddess, sent down from the heavens. And we have been granted the privilege of adoring her. I propose that we, the 30JJGC, build her temple here so all can worship.
mason im british lool,shes also ^_^
As treasurer of the 30JJGC, I can say definitively that we do not have the money to build temples no matter how special the kitten is. We just about pay the rent to the Landlord, a one, Mr Reese.
So please do not write cheques that we can’t cash!
You need to calm down with suggestions like that; I nearly creamed the keyboard with manpaste from the image of Samantha taking Rachel under her wing and getting all nasty.
Samantha38g –
Our most sincere apologies, if we seem to be too harsh. I don’t think anyone here intended for that.
I do believe we all wish her, and you, the best; and hope you both can put the feedback to good use.
– Cheers :)
In one way or another, I’d *really* love to see her pair/mate with a cock equal to her breast size (more than my 8″ throbbing rod) just to make a good picture. Firm, round tits, erect nipples and a good, hard, long cum shot all over that cleavage…
But then again, I guess those assets/big fucking tits are a damn burden as well – both physically and (especially!) mentally. Sam, what are your feelings on this matter?
Certainly wouldn’t be hard to stay faithful with a wife like that to come home to everyday!
Everybody ask What is nature?, The nature is this world which holds many beautiful things in its curvature, like human being and further it explain into two categories males n females naturally males attracts to females , and female on the earth is Rachel Aldana (Richee) my love, who is gorgeous, beautiful and sexy. She is rich with all aspect of beauty and sex. She is my dream girl to whom i love, I have seen many women in this world but i have found Richee ever most beautiful, I think my dream will come true when i see her in front of my eyes n to touch her body and pass some beautiful moments of my life with her. OH ! My Dreeeeeeeam.
Richee if you read my comments about you, please send your comments on my email address.
Thanks 2 my loooooove.
I think there’s some question about the validity of this ‘growth’ statement, since a JJ cup and a K cup are the same thing.
Jesus…I`m dreaming…thanx man for all this.
please milk,milk,milk
Do you notice in the third clip how her right breast kind of looks like a bum in a way??? It kind of parts in the middle a bit – a true real breast. Wow is she ever hot.
im glad i am dating her
i would like nothing more than to play with those extraordinary tits!!
that burn is because me and her used to be smokers, but we both quit. I love my baby so much
Fragile? Inexperienced… Oh if you nimrods trying to get in My Beautiful Busty Angels Pants and Big Juicy Tits Only new How much of An Awesome Sweet BadAss Bitch My Babygirl is.