I have a confession to make. I dislike redheads. There. I’ve said it.
Truth be told, that’s a bit of a lie. I know people, nice people, people that I would go so far as to say I love, who are auburn. What I seem to dislike is the red hair. Like many people in the UK, redhead is not the term that comes to mind when I see someone with auburn locks… no… it’s ginger. Ginger has more of an offensive ring to it, doesn’t it?
If you are of the orange-haired brigade, I am sure what you get cat-called to you, down the street (as is prone to happen, should you take your carrot-top out in public) is “Ginger!” Not “Redhead!”
We have many terms for the red-haired: Carrot-top; ginger; Duracell; etc. None of which are meant in anything other than a mocking way. I was just looking on-line for some more mean names to call the copper-topped and decided we should possibly look at some tits, as well as see why I have brought up the hair-colour issue in the first place:
Now, to me, as a woman that has played with her hair colour many times (as we are wont to do) the above colour is known as a transient phase. Or a bit of a cock up. It needs to have something darker put on top of it. It is really distracting me from Rachel’s 30 NN tits and that just will not do!
So, here she is in some pics in all her brunette loveliness, from before the application of a hair colour with too much peroxide in. (Am personally shocked with this, what with her being a hairdresser and all.)
*Deep breath, Vic, deep breath*

That’s better! As you can see, Rachel is no redhead! Her skin is too even-hued, and not in the slightest transparent (or blueish, even), she is freckle free.
*Shut UP about gingers for a bit, Vic!*
That last Blue Babe set also includes an all too rare and wondrous photos of Rachel Aldana on her back NOT holding her huge tits together!

So here’s one of the videos from that series, too.

*Sigh* Here’s an older video that features Rachel with a slightly more acceptable (but still reddish) hair colour. But at least her hair is down, unlike in the first vid.

Here’s my “confession”: Much as my writing, today, is to be taken in a tongue in cheek manner, akin to how it was written, my problem stems from my own colouring. Whereas I am not a redhead, I am not that far removed from the breed. :lol:
Should I do a home hair colour, it invariable shows all the red that is in my hair. My skin is so white as to be transparent and my veins show. My freckles are one of the banes of my life and, should I let them grow, my pubes (like the facial hair of my father) come through disturbingly ginger. (One of the reasons I have shaved since I was about fifteen, before it was the fashionable thing to do).
Here are a couple of the best links I happened upon, whilst searching for offensive things to call gingers things that beautiful, flame-haired temptresses get called. Urban Dictionary go with South Park and Gingervitis, the BBC go with “Gingerism” being akin to racism.
Please do not take offence, boys and girls. I am not intending to cause any, I am simply pointing out the troubles one has when one has something that can be taken as reason to pick on someone, really. Like having huge bosombas doesn’t give you grief enough from random passers-by!

I am so disappointed by this post about something that is beyond people’s control: one’s genetics. It used to be that people said offensive things like this about race and skin color. I guess this is the last permissible domain to be so stupid and superficial. I think redheads are beautiful. I’ve seen your picture, and you have no right criticizing anyone’s looks no matter the hair color.
Um, that was kinda my point, Isabelle, as I put in the last paragraph.
she looks awful.why do girls of a certain age in Britain just fake themselves up.
No, but the eyebrows drawn on with a sharpie is kind of laughable.
Simply stunning in whatever color she chooses, more importantly I notice the lass has shed weight. ‘Never looked sexier.
NN cup its a joke … not NN … K or L … after its more to give attention for men who think its bigger when you go with NOPQ cup … like Jenny debut his career with j cup and now Q cup … but the size stay the same !!!!
Blond, red, brown, black, and every shade inbetween is all good to me. Now the bright “candy” or neon style hair colors, though, I consider those to be more along the line of attention-grabbing gimmicks best suited to teenage girls and pop stars.
I think she’s vastly overrated no matter what hair colour she has.
(Cue the internet white knights now…)
I have to agree that the new color isn’t great on her. However, her build and figure are absolutely stunning. THANKS for the great post, VIX, you sexy thing.
Hey I’m not concerned much about her hair after the lights are turned out! I like a little red streak but yeah this is a bit much. Anyway I really like to see her in her bra! Love that bra!
i think she looks great…
Well I think she looks great
Looks a little weird. Guess that’s the look she’s going for, but as long as she didn’t mess with her boobs, ie pierced nipples, tats, I ain’t gonna complain.
I am one of those men who think redheads are goddesses. I can’t imagine why anyone would give them a hard time. As for Rachel, though, she looks best with what seems to be the original dark hair. I’m not sure why I don’t like her more than I do.
But redheads … mmmm. :)
Doesn’t she work as a hair dresser or beautician of some sort, terrible judgement in that case. Anything beyond copper is too much and doesn’t look good on anyone unless they’re planning on getting a mug shot.
Like breasts, most of the time I say hair colour is best left natural. Little bit of makeup and shaving is fine, though. And I personally love porcelain skin, looks delicate and beautiful, much better than slapping on the fake tan as so many people (girls and boys) are wont to do. So I don’t know what you’re moaning about Vix!
One of the girls I went to school with was mid-toned ginger-haired, and she filled out really well when I saw her years later, absolute stunner. It wasn’t a case of her looking beautiful because of her ginger hair, it was that ginger hair added to her whole effect and matched her skin tone.
Fake redheads are ten-a-penny in my part of the country, it’s about as overdone as frizzy perms were in the early 90s at this point and actually comes across as “bland” rather than “stands out” to me, the opposite effect to what was intended!
Hmm that should have been “It wasn’t a case of her looking beautiful DESPITE her ginger hair, it was that ginger hair added to her whole effect and matched her skin tone.”
I love Rachel !
Truth is I think if she was sitting in front of any guy looking like she does…who would even notice the color of her hair.
You don’t like redheads, cool. I think you’re ugly. Have a nice day and please get reese to write this blog, I don’t like your writing style, nor your opinion.
I know everyone has their tastes but I find that hair color does not determine a persons beauty. Everyone has their “preferences” I suppose, but Rachel will still be Rachel and a knock out no matter the color, I recommend blue for her next choice.
I apologize for my friend Red. He is what we call in this country an “asshole”.
funny no one mentioned the hair color is the same as the theater killer in Colorado!i think she choose the wrong color at the wrong time bright red hair has a certain stigma to it in the states nowadays!Bottom line rachel aldana is a fox even if her hair was like bright green or some shit i mean look how fuckin big her boobs have gotten again! glad she put sum weight back on!
As a man that truly loves “reds,” I have to echo some of the other posters here in my assessment tht red is not a good look on her. BUT as long as she keeps that body of hers in tip-top shape, she can go green for all I care! :-)
I think she looks like hell. It’s a shame. Before I thought she was beautiful. Now she looks like a wreck attached to a gorgeous body.
Dear Ron,
Being a white night won’t get you laid, and had Vix simply refrained from spreadiing hate I would have kept my opinions to myself. As a person wiith red hair I find this recent wave of “gingerism” apalling. Had she come on here and saiid “I dislike black people/pakistanis/jews/etc” there would certainly be more of an unpleasant response. For some reason its okay to dislike people with red hair based simply upon looks, as the smallest minority (>2% worldwide) it is always challenging to have red hair, there is nowhere on earth one can go to feel as if they are not in some way different. I think you, and vix, have shown ignorance and wrongheadedness. Fuck you.
Best regards,
Soooo … Took a little trip into town today (in the UK) and go down to TK Maxx to pick up a couple of bits and who should I find myself stood behind in the queue … None other than Rachel Alanda herself!!!!
I can 100% verify this aswell, she was with another girl (dark tan, facial piercings) – a little girl (who kept asking ‘Rach’ questions) and presumably Rachel’s Mum aswell.
Those tits in person look just as awesome, even when covered up.
Was with my Mrs so had to hold off of telling her how many wanks I had over her before, and bang! I found myself stood next to the object of many of my wanks, lol!
And the hair – yes, very red in person. Sexy as fuck regardless.
Today was a good day.
Rachel is a fine piece of pussy. She needs a much hairier minge tho.
I don’t care about the color of her hair. Apparently, you seem to care so much about her hair color that you would talk about your dislike of redheads, which sounds discriminatory. Personally, I find it fascinating and cool that Rachel has red hair. She looks diffrerent, but still beautiful and attractive. Redhair, Black hair, Blonde, or no hair, I don’t care. Her body and huge breasts are what make her attractive.