It was with profound pleasure that I arose from my gentle slumbers this morning to find that PinUpFiles had posted yet another series of photos from 30JJ Gentlemen’s Club kitten Rachel Aldana (although I’m again compelled to to include the disclaimer that she’s got 32JJ breasts and those guys have yet to find me a genuine JJ-cup with a 30-inch band-size to feature here) and I have to say that this is quite possibly my favourite photo series from Rachel so far because, for the first time, we are treated to a most glorious view of her huge, fleshy orbs of delight from behind…

…I believe this is the first time she’s ever shown her tattoos in photos as well (although I did catch an earlier glimpse of them in Rachel’s second video, but there’ll be more on that below). Far from having a tattoo fetish, I’d actually never been a fan of body ink (and this is probably a bad thing considering that my wife Vix sports one on her bum which she got as birthday present from her 17-year-old toy-boy when she turned 22). However, when they’re tastefully done and unobtrusive, I really don’t mind them at all. Tristal is a good example of tasteful tattooing, although I have to admit that there in the one lower-back tattoo encountered in my anti-ink past that turned my on to no end: It belonged to a model called Angel, and it was this shot in particular that I found casually surfing porn in 1997 which I hold wholly responsible for my long-standing love of big boobs from behind pics, my current attitude of tattoo-acceptance and persistent penchant for pendulous flaps (come to think of it, we could probably single-handedly blame that one photo for the dramatic rise in Kleenex consumption in the state of Florida that year, many a box of tissues having sacrificed their lives in the wake of my Angel fantasy (heh, “single-handedly” indeed))! ;~)
Ah, but enough reminiscing about my big-breasted dream-girl from the last century – it’s a new millennium, dammit, and I’ve got to move on. We’ve got girls like Rachel Aldana now (and, if I recall correctly, I’m supposed to be talking about her here instead of the wank-fodder from my past! :~P). Sorry about that. I’ll just take a moment to compose myself whilst you have a gander at these lovely photos of Rachel Aldana in a bikini (blimey! she must have these custom made for her cup-size, as it’s virtually impossible to find even an F-cup bikini top here in England, let alone a double-J!! then again, I suppose she does have a wee bit of breast-spillage going on in that first awe-inspiring cleavage shot below) at

…while over at PinUpFile’s sister site PinUpGlam, they’ve posted the second episode of their “Day with Rachel Aldana” video series (which is where I’d first noticed her tattoos, as a matter of fact). You’ll no doubt remember the first instalment of this series, perhaps more aptly entitled “In Bed with Rachel“, from my blog a little over a month ago. The good news is that she’s finally decided to get out of bed (although I can certainly empathise with wanting to stay there, as having a month’s lie-in with such big tits to keep you company is a tempting prospect indeed), her enormous breasts standing proud and firm as she stretches herself awake.
I’m seriously hoping she’ll go to the toilet and brush her teeth next because, although I’ve featured big tits tooth brushing before (not once, but twice!), I’ve been wanting to do a big boobs on the loo blog for years! Eh, we can but wait in hope. In the meantime, though, I’ve prepared a few clips from part two of this chronicle (which is not unlike the real-time TV series “24”, apart from the sad lack of massive breasts and general nudity in the latter) so that we can continue to follow along with a day in the life of 32JJ Rachel Aldana courtesy of these videos from

[Special Offer: If you sign up as a member to, you can get a membership in the other site upon which Rachel appears – – for only $10- more! Check out the joint membership option on their join page for further information on registering for this 25% multi-site discount.]
In love.
she is absolutely fucking perfect! my new favorite, hands down. more more more more more more more of her pleassssssssssseeeeeeeeeee
The Pinup people are obviously making Rachel lose weight.
…which sucks.
…why do they always try to make naturally busty women lose a few pounds?
…they should let those boobs get as big as they possibly can.
As a nudist for 15+ years, and having seen literally tens of thousands of nude women, I can assure you that there is literally no upper limit to the size of a woman’s breasts.
I have seen natural breasts on women that would shame any of the big-tit models you have featured here, and they pass without comment among other nudists. A the (few) nudist women we have met and partied with who chose to have artificial enhancements made to their breasts put those very generously-endowed women to shame.
How does 59-FFF sound? We have spent several weeks aboard a nude cruise with a lovely, intelligent, beautiful woman with breasts that size — and although she does turn a few heads with those mammoth tits even among we longtime nudists, it is not the subject of conversation or ridicule.
Full-Time Nudist in Dallas
why do they have them lose weight? I’d guess because they think that more people like in shape women with big tits compared to fat ones with slightly bigger tits.
I can’t wait for the tattoo fad to be over. None of this graffiti makes women look better. :(
I’m not so sure that it’s weightloss as much as it is camera tricks to make her appear slimmer. I could be wrong. But, I don’t believe hip bones themselves shrink while on any sort of diet.
Oh, and Reese –
–(although I’m again compelled to to include the disclaimer that she’s got 32JJ breasts and those guys have yet to find me a genuine JJ-cup with a 30-inch band-size to feature here)–
Did you know that since you added the 30JJGC banner to your site that all of my search engine efforts to find such lovely ladies lead me right back here?
Thanks for your comments and we appreciate your input, you are welcome to share our fetish any time. We like allsorts here.
Here is an idea, if you really want to add to this place and educate us, get those women who would put our beloved models here to shame, so you say, and get them to get their kit off. I’m sure that one 59FFF cup boob would have a far more profound impact on our educational needs than anything you could say about how liberated you are from worldly desires that you can prance around naked and not get aroused by the site of the female body. The simple fact is the moral high ground disappears in a cloud of intellectual smoke a bit like your clothes on a sunny day down the beach.
You’ve got your fella and we’ve got our.
Rachel is amazing, and tattoos on women don’t bother me one bit.
The perfect example of a british busty girl: big boobs and terribly flat butt.
That’s a shame but … I can get through it. I love her :-)
those are an amazing pair of boobs.and she doesnt have that full figure frame either so it makes her unique.there is a video on youtube and she is on some talk show in britain.her mom talks about her breasts being huge and getting a reduction.rachel says she might get it done so enjoy while you can.we dont want to lose her like linsey dawn or kelly kay.
she needs to wear less makeup though… nat beauty is so hot
Turns out Rachel isn’t 32JJ… but 32K!!!
This comment is from the new photo set at Pinup Files:
” So it seems we made a mistake… as it turns out, our resplendent new all-natural wonder gal Rachel Aldana is NOT a 32JJ, as we’ve been previously saying. Rachel gently reminded us the other day that she has gone up a size recently is actually a 32K and that the old measurements of 32JJ are no longer applicable. We don’t know how we made that mistake (unless all the photos and video of Rachel these past six weeks have suddenly scrambled our brains, which is entirely possible) but we think perhaps a measuring video of some kind is in order, don’t you? After all, we have to have PROOF, right? “
First let me say a Hello to my long time boob site blog buddies. Sorry I have been away, work keeps me busy.
I second Sam’s post…Mike please share more details about this 59FFF beauty. This sounds like something for the record books.
Reese this post is amazing. Seeing Rachel get out of bed and walk to the window is enough to cause the blood to leave my brain and for me to pass out. Her breasts are soooo firm it is almost unbelievable.
Hey I got a member ship to Garden of Eden. Eden Mor is a heavenly beauty. Her body makes me want to fall to my knees and worship her. Her site has a decent amount of material. Unfortunately it was not enough to hold my interest. I found that personal sites are good but lack enough eye popping material to keep me coming back month after month. Does anyone else suffer from this issue or am I totally off on my own on this topic?
Mason good to see you again!
Welcome back Mason !!
I think we re a nice community !!
No, I don’t think you’re alone. Production work for these sites has to be a killer. Especially for those of small or no staff. That’s probably why alot of the models have taken to webcam work on the side.
Perfect round tits, love those perky small nipples. More for my collection, please!
Only 18 years old, and with enormous tits like those! Rachel is a stunning beauty, and I hope her modeling career really takes off. I’d like to see her appearing on numerous nude modeling site — the more images of her the better!
this is the perfect example of too young and not enough hang-time on those tits
theyre huge but they almost look enhanced cause theyre 15 years old and more taught then a shower cap
give me sag
those are nice
would love to know her body stats? 30JJ-??-?? also her height?
she fucking amazing!!
Rachel is a incredible discovery. She has some incredible tits and I hope they just get bigger and bigger.
No wonder that Rachel is our Official 30JJGC Mascot. That sixth photo is absolute perfection.
They are truely unbelievable!
She’s absolutely gorgeous but I gotta say those vid clips are boring. There is so much nothing going on there, they might as well be still photos.
Mr. Unnatural where have you been hiding? You only come out when it rains breast milk!
Rachel Aldana is the absolute best
dang very nice i could neva get tired of those lush baps as a bapologist i give a perfect 10/10.
I’m in love. 10/10!!!
What is it with Angel anyway? What happened to her?
Simply amazing, senorita.
Pechos grande!
You make me drooooooool…
I’m finding more and more that it’s not so much the size of a woman’s breasts, it’s what she’ll do for you. So far, Alicia Loren is still tops in my books, because she just wants to show off her breasts for you, and her personality, the way she acts, so serving, I love it. She does it for you. I love Alicia. I’m hoping to see more of her, but of course, I appreciate all the posts about Rachel Aldana and her pics and vids as well. I love playing with titties.
Mmmm I love those little rolls she has. Oh God it’s so sexy. Mmm nice tummy, nice big titties, nice ass. Love it. Love those rolls.
I really love rachel and her boobs so much she is siprinkle
I have always been fascinated by her 3 stars tatoos on her back and is looks damn sexy where its place and where it points to. That is enough tatoos for me though would not want to see her with more
She’s always a fav. of mine