I like to talk about boobs quite a lot (as if you hadn’t noticed). Many of those with whom I’ve discussed the topic demand that “their” breasts be 100% natural. Personally, I don’t care either way…and if a woman wants to undergo cosmetic surgery to enhance what she’s got, that’s her prerogative. I understand the argument, though, as it’s all too easy to spot a bad boob job. However, breast augmentation has advanced significantly over recent years, and there’s no reason any more for the recipient to look like she’s had road cones stuck on her chest.
The reason I’m impartial about the debate comes from my own experience: I’ve had the pleasure of encountering one exquisite pair that had been increased by four cup sizes, and they indeed looked (and felt!) perfectly natural, to the point of drooping off lazily to the sides when their lovely owner lay on her back! This got me thinking that the reason most boob lovers abhor implants is because the really good boob jobs go largely unnoticed, while the bad ones tend to stick out like two sore thumbs.
Which brings me to the real or fake boob test: A fun little flash-based game where you can play “spot the boob job” from 20 different pairs of breasts. Mind you, a lot of the fake ones are really bad examples, so I was able to score 85% correct on my first go. Go on, give it a try!

jaime le sex
i scored 90%
not bad me thinks