HAPPY HALLOWEEN everybody (and, for all you of the pagan persuasion out there, blessed Samhain)!! :~D
After last year’s soft & fluffy Halloween post featuring cartoon boo bees, busty chocolate ghost & owl lollies and the luscious Liana from LushBoobs in her bewitching costume, I resolved that this year would be different. I wanted to find something that would truly scare the pants off big breast lovers like myself. Trouble was, apart from my “Big Boob Nightmares” blog a while back and the odd cleavage crawler, I couldn’t find anything breast-related that was particularly frightening.
After all, what could be scary about tits? As the great George Carlin once said in his ‘Seven Words’ monologue, “It’s such a friendly sounding word. It sounds like a nickname, right? ‘Hey, Tits, come here, man. Tits, meet Toots. Toots, Tits. Tits, Toots.’ It sounds like a snack, doesn’t it? Yes, I know, it is a snack. But I don’t mean your sexist snack. I mean, ‘New Nabisco Tits’! And new Cheese Tits, Corn Tits, Pizza Tits, Sesame Tits, Onion Tits, Tater Tits. ‘Betcha can’t eat just one.'”
And he’s right, of course. Tits are totally benign and unimposing. Even the really big ones – like those of T-cup Monique – have an unspoken gentleness about them. But it’s Halloween, dammit, and I have a responsibility here. So I set off on a quest to find the most frightening boobs about, and soon found that I had to look no further than the truly terrifying tits of Rhiannon 48MMM.
Rhiannon is indeed one big, scary woman with big, scary tits. As much as I like boobs, this is definitely one pair of knockers I wouldn’t want to bump into in a dark alley! Her friends Minka, Echo Valley and bodybuilder Dawn Whitham give me the willies as well (especially the multi-tattooed dominatrix Dawn, who likes to have her unfeasibly large clitoris jacked-off like a cock!)!
To be fair, there are some rather friendly-looking well-endowed women on Rhiannon’s site as well, such as perennial favourite Sam Anderson and the lovely Heidi. And, truth be told, Rhiannon isn’t really that scary either. As a former editor of D-cup magazine and associate editor for Gent, Rhiannon secured her place in big tits niche and even produces and directs her own fetish porn films under the “Sweet-N-Evil Videos” monicker. An avid vocalist and musician, she also composes the soundtracks for her own adult productions! Add acting skills to her CV as well, with Mistress Rhiannon featuring in many movies of the erotic / slasher / scream-queen video genre. All in all, a diverse, charismatic, intelligent and driven woman busting-out with personality as well as boobs.
But, this being Halloween and all, I wanted to focus on the scarier side of the on-line world of big breasts. How appropriate, then, that Rhiannon served as the original “Boob-O-Lantern” girl for the Anthony & Opie Road Shows from WNEW New York! It is in precisely that preternatural spirit I present an All Hallows’ Eve handful of video galleries featuring macabre Mistress Rhiannon 48MMM and a few of her frightening friends from Rhiannon48MMM.com:

Absolutely Minging!!!!
Fucking ugly tits! Propostrous!
Hi 14 yrs later and I’m here
I think I’m barfing up my Halloween candy.
This is absolutely horrid. Reese, where are your standards??? I guess, Halloween would be the perfect time to post this, but please, don’t do it again….lol.
I find Rhiannon absolutely disgusting. Here is a perfect illustration of a time when big tits just aren’t enough- added to which, I am firmly anti-implant. I will happily take a nice DD-cup (I still can’t believe Brandy Taylor counts as being on the small side in your book; I mean, if you can’t appreciate women that size, then in everyday, non-internet life you are stuck with very few women who you *can* appreciate) over that kind of plastic surgery disaster. I mean, those lips! Ugh!
Rhiannon must have been a man at some point in her life. Nasty, just nasty
Please, NO FAKE TITS!!! GAawwd!
again, tell the fake tits to keep their advertisement cash, you don’t want it, period. WE DON’T WANT IT!!!
No question about it: Rhiannon is the most horrifying model is the world of big tits! The breasts are not what scared me. I prefer natural boobs for personal pleasure. But I get off over seeing shows and pictures of some of the classic Score magazine ‘Boob Cruise’ jumbo implant tit girls. Sarenna Lee, Minka, Casey James, Maxi Mounds, Chelsea Charms, Busty Dusty, not only have a special beauty and are visible from space without using Hubble, but they were the PIONEERS of big breast women on the net. I don’t know who remembers, but Busty Dusty was one of the very first women to feature exclusive photos of her breasts online. This was in the mid-90s and things have never been the same since. We should at least remember them, even though natural is now ‘IN.’ Colt 45 is just about perfect…. the list goes on…..
But it’s Rhiannon that scares the living shyite out of me! Like I say, jumbo boobs are not that bad. And big lips turn me on sometimes too. Rhiannon is fortunate to have fake lips that actually turn out symmetrical. I once picked up a stroke book with Rhiannon on the cover. I saw some other famous names were featured too. I don’t linger long buying printed porn, so I bought it quick and took it home. As I was pleasuring myself flipping the pages, all of a sudden I started looking closely at this creature from hell. It struck me that this was not a ‘she’ at all!! I suddenly felt very sick. I’m very straight and not bi in any way shape or form! Was I looking at a transexual?? Worse things rarely happen. If ‘she’ really is a she, then she has some very man-like features when you look really close. Hard to describe. Just something about the cheekbones, jaw, body that says ‘this is a man.’ It made me want to hurl. A damn werewolf….
LOL!!! Glad 2 see everyone else agrees with me! Her tits are on par Lola Ferrari and hers were absolutely awful!! Fake tits! I hate em!
yet another post full of gross fake implants. I understand that Reese has a bit of a soft spot for the falsies because of Vix, but these are just scary!
I agree. Its a horrible thing to say but that poor woman looks terrible.
Nuff said.
HOWEVER! I browsed the trailer section on her site and found a girl named DALIS. Who is that bountiful vixen and where has she been hiding???
Lets get to the bottom of this…
I agree. Its a horrible thing to say but that poor woman looks terrible.
Nuff said.
HOWEVER! I browsed the trailer section on her site and found a girl named DALIS. Who is that bountiful vixen and where has she been hiding???
Lets get to the bottom of this…
EWWW, YUCK! That’s a woman?
I need say nothing else. The previous comments sum it up.
As for Ches’ comments about Anekee, she’s almost as strange. Some models have fans who morph their pics. Some models allow those morphed pics to be put on their sites or blogs. But Anekee morphs her own pics. Her mind is as morphed as her pics!
Guys, you do not have to like the way she looks, but these comments are just rude. Please to not gang up on me.
I am a big boob model, and although I have not read anything negative about myself in this forum, I certainly have in the past. Some comments you can simply say , “I am not his type, oh well!” and move on. However, when the comments become so harsh and cruel, and they always do, it begins to really dig at you.
I have never met Rhiannon; however, I have spoken with her several times, and worked for her as well. She is a very nice WOMAN! So she enjoys plastic surgery. She might not be your cup of tea…not by a long shot. Leave it at that.
I understand this is a place you are able to freely express yourself, and I would never want to see this change. I am all about free speech. I take my clothing off for a living…I am very liberal. Just try to filter your thoughts sometimes. My mother and Father always said to me, a child who often just blurted out her thoughts with little thought of the consequences, “filter, name, filter”. And of course, everyone’s favorite…”if you do not have anything nice to say, just do not say anything at all”.
Now, remember do not attack me! Just wanted to share my thoughts on this topic!
anonymous girl, Reese himself titled this blog entry, “terrifying tits” and did it on halloween, and it’s not the most endearing comment to tell a lady, that’s she’s terrifying. So, I think it comes with the territory. It’s one thing to say, don’t criticize someone because they are not your cup of tea, it’s quite another when the person we are talking about is a walking freak show and knows it. Make no mistake, when you look like that, it’s part of the territory. If a woman doesn’t have tough skin, then my dear, getting 48MMM inflatable balloons on your chest and pumping your lips until they look like they were used for sparring practice by Mike Tyson would be an unwise decision.
regarding VERY FREE’s comments – Anekee is what? Morphed as what? Dont even understand the term ‘morphed’ ya gunna have t re – translate!
I’d have to agree with Charles. I’m immensly gratified that big NATURAL boobs has come into fashion and that there are so many lovely models to enjoy. But, I like some of the score gals too. In fact, score was were I frst became aware of Lindsey Dawn, an analomy among the silicone set. I’ve still kinda got the hots for Sarenna Lee. I am still hot for Minka, I can’t help it.
Rhiannon doesn’t take me there, no offense meant to the lady. There is such a thing as too much comestic surgery/enhancement. Chelsea Charms is another example. Chelsea is a very attractive woman whose downfall is those huge string implants. Even if she were an A cup naturally she would’ve been better off to leave nature alone. Rhiannon has had way too much done. I could maybe, maybe get passed the huge wrecking ball implants except for the lip injections. Wonder if scaling back could be a possiblility for her? Could do her a world of good.
big tits world!!! This is great…
hi there,
i have 3 movies about rhiannon, and she is of course a WOMEN!!! she has a tiny waist and small feeds and her voice is female, too. i love her huge fake round boobs and lipps! she is a much hotter as minka or maxi!!! :) this is my opinion, sorry…
I love Rhiannon Clips & I want to fuck her
I’d still fuck her and suck her tits.
Rhiannon is not that scary looking. She has a goth punk rock look that is very appealing. What matters is who she is on the inside. An intelligent and accomplished woman.