Whilst selecting some photos & videos with which to populate MyBoobSite’s Forums – hoping to choose a fair mix of my favourites along with a few busty models whom I’ve never featured here – I came across the following video galleries to use as an inaugural entry in my Samantha38G thread…

…however, when the lovely Samantha 38G herself (who just so happens to be a most valued and regular contributor to our new forums) saw the thumbnails I’d posted as links to her videos, they elicited the following response…
Samantha38G wrote:
Ohhhh, Reese.
You really think those are the best pics of me?
Ouch. Just proves how I see myself and how guys see me are two different worlds.Now how can I add pics?
…I soon responded that, no, these weren’t my favourites by a long shot – instead being merely the vidcaps that whomever had edited these video clips had chosen to represent the content – and vowed to take on the personal challenge of visiting Sam’s site to find a few representative examples of photos that were more to my liking and quickly came up with three from what Sam later said was one of her favourite photo shoots.
Pleased with my initial results, I carried on in my quest with the express goal of finding photos which truly captured the essence of why Sam’s been one of my all-time favourites on the big bust scene for some considerable time; those that embodied the qualities I’d grown to love so much over the years. And, so, I’d like to dedicate today’s boob blog to the erstwhile conclusion of my quest and show you the pictures I’d chosen.
The myriad melange of mammary imagery which follows – some clothed revealing her gorgeous G-cup cleavage and others stark raving nude – are meant not only to convey the natural wonders that are Samantha 38G’s huge breasts, but also to offer a pictographic representation of the horny, sexy, sultry and sometimes deliciously slutty disposition she exudes so well in her work. Granted, some of the photos might not be to everyone’s tastes – perhaps not even Sam’s (for example, I do know an awful lot of big breast lovers who harbour a distinct aversion to “gash shots”, whereas I personally feel that putting your pussy out on display is one of the sexiest things a girl can do) – but, to me, they’re picture perfect.
So thanks, Sam, for inspiring me to embark upon this jugg-laden journey through your image archive and, for everyone else, here are the photos I’ve chosen as my favourites from SexySamantha38G.com:

Sam is most certainly one of my all time favourites… I simply love her! Those pics in the one-piece bathing suit on the boat are some of my favourites oddly enough. Love the short flirty hair… she’s showing less of er but sometimes, less is more. :) Thank you Sam for sharing and for being a regular on here too. It’s great to hear from you ladies.
dam those are some fine pics Reese can’t really argue with your choice. Sam has to be one of the best ever adult voluptuous models – a true legend since in the photos their is a sense of real passion that not many others can match, although Maria Moore will give her a run for her money. Maria and Samantha – duo made in heaven. It has to be the lesbian set ever. Keep up the good work Reese.
She’s so hot. If she was in a swimming costume at a pool I was at – I’d have to leave quickly before I embarrassed myself!
I must admit because we don’t see you that often but you’re always here talking to us we see you as one of the gang. But, I must admit that I had forgotten just how sexy, attractive and charming you are. You are beautiful in both senses. And the shots on the boat are magic but my all time favourite shots of you were the ones outside a gas station (petrol station). I remember seeing those for the first time and knowing that it was a matter of time before I had to relieve myself, not caring who was in the house or about getting caught. I was so hot just the vibrations alone from undoing my trousers nearly made me shoot man-fat everywhere. I must have lasted about 10 seconds and that was being generous.
Keep going baby we love you!!!!
Love The other Sam xxxxxxx
As a guy, its funny to me that a woman that is pretty much perfect can look at a picture of herself and see any kind of fault! Sam is hot as hell, even in a “bad” picture of her!
Samantha is always hot and cute. I prefer the pics in swimsuit where we can see all her curves….She’s one of my all time favourites forever
The bottom 3 are the best by far.
Stunning examples of why Sam is my perfect woman! How anybody can prefer the media-championed ‘Size Zero’ is beyond me when there are such divine creatures as Sam in the world.
Sam, you’re so hot it’s not even possible.
Some of my favorites are when she had those fabulous lips snugly wrapped around my johnson.
Oh! And the one where she is slowly creeping up towards my face, all the while dragging those amazing breasts up my midsection.
Oh! And the one where she engulfs my lower region in her fun bags to the point where it all just… POOF! Disappears.
Of course I don’t actually have physical photos of these events. They are mental snapshots of the times I spent with her in private. And believe you me, they will last a lifetime.
Love ya, Sam. Wish you were still touring. :(
Samantha is the walking embodiment of sex.
I think I liked her work with Eden the most.
Or should I just say Sam = voluptuous perfection!! Thanks for showing off your assets over the past few years. Your incredibly sexy and besides your magnificent body the one thing that sets you apart from all the other models is your surefire CONFIDENCE!! You are so sure of your sexiness that men simply surrender to you!! WAW = WHAT A WOMAN and my all time favorite
you just keep getting better looking. one of my all time favorites!
kuggs & hisses!!!
So, what are your favorite pics of yourself??
Sam is simply magnificent. As a result, every photo set is a winner in my books!
I think the first picture is absolutely stunning, very glamorous and sexy!
I absolutely love Samantha! She’s the absolute hottest woman on the internet, period. Thanks for allowing us to view your wonderful body Samantha. =D
I second what buntl1 said — there are lots of sexy women out there but what sets Sam apart from the pack is her spunky personality, plus the fact that she is an in-charge, intelligent woman in charge of her career who takes the time to come here and interact with her many admirers. She just seems like someone who would be a blast to be around and in her scenes, she just seems like she’s having a ball, not just collecting a paycheck. That kind of exuberance and sheer joy in having sex is more of a turn on than anything else to me. Of course, the fact that she’s *drop dead gorgeous* doesn’t hurt either! Love her smile, and all of her wonderful curves. I think I prefer the short, sassy hair too.
Not sure what my favorite photo set would be — there is one where she is in light purple that I like, but then again, there are certain ones from different sets that light my fire too — wish we could post our favorites.
Does everyone here read her blog on her site? I find it really refreshing to hear someone talking about different aspects of the porn biz and it’s very down-to-earth and honest. I keep hoping that I will run into her somehow whenever I visit my bro in Dallas (a guy can wish, right?)
I feel so Loved.
Went to the board and added some of my favs. So go look and see.
Absolutely agree. Sam is one of the all-time greats. I will second, third or 4th that the Black swimsuit pics at the pool are the best of the set. Good choice sir!