I was chatting with Samantha 38G the other day and, amongst other things, she mentioned a couple of pics that she’d uploaded to a public forum for members to comment upon. One was of her face, which she thought was a great shot, and the other was of her ass…

…within one week, the face pic had received nine comments whilst the ass had triple that number, thus leading Sam to the bemused conclusion, “Guess my ass is better than my face, who knew?”!
Now, although I’ve come to appreciate asses a bit in recent times, how could anyone put Samantha’s ass over her face (which, now that I think about it literally, would be a physical impossibility anyway)?! No, give me her gorgeous face any day – those piercing green eyes with their come hither look, that pert little nose and intensely sensual mouth, all framed by her beautiful blonde hair – and, besides, if I’m face-to-face with Sam, it makes it all the easier to stare down her cleavage! ;~)
In an effort to further the global appreciation of Sam’s lovely visage, I’ve included some photos from her recent “Pinky” series (granted, there are tits too, but it would be impolite to look at them since we’re trying to focus on Sam’s lovely face today) at SexySamantha38G.com…

…but by far the BIGGEST NEWS that Sam had for me was that she’s now doing live webcam videochat sessions with her fans over at ImLive‘s Celebrity Porn Stars section (the same site wherein Alicia Loren, Sabrina Meloni and now Lisa Sparxxx host their webcamming exploits)! So why let me have all the fun when you can chat with Sam yourself? It’s free to join and there’s the big bonus that, because it’s a one-way cam link from Sam to you, she won’t know whether or not you’re staring at her G-cup tits as you type! Here’s a handful of vidcaps from her Samantha38G fan page at ImLive.com:

I must admit Samantha does look good in these pictures. But, I’m not sure how worried Vix should be Reese. You really do worship at the alter of Samantha38G at every possible opportunity.
The booty shot with the pumps is great. And the second photo of Samantha turned towards her destiny with the pink outfit and panties on is HOT–she’s so voluptuous and her nakedness is just barely visible enough. But I dislike the way she is blurred and softened and shopped to death. Are her actual member photos like this too? Anyway, come hither, Sam…
The last middle photo of Sam’s generously-proportioned breasts and lovely face is very good too.
I agree Reese – while I simply adore all of Sam’s assets, it’s her face that really draws you in and sells you. The sultry looks, the full lips, her smoldering eyes, the thoughts that must be racing through her head… I think she sets the bar for all others to be honest. That sam_pinky_02.jpg shot shows her “sassyness” and the sam_pinky_09.jpg shot gives you an idea just how far the rabbit hole does goes. ;) Heh hhe. She is awesome all around and all around awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that face shot of her before, but you can certainly see a bit of vulnerability in it – and that’s what makes her so excellent at what she does. Sam – keep on keeping on!
She sure is a looker, no-doubt, from any angle. And those blue veins on her breast; I love ’em.
I’m somewhat disappointed that the webcam pix are just pix. I was hoping they were clips. I don’t know if she ever looked hotter than in those 1st 5 webcam shots. Her hair and makeup looked truly amazing. Which must be the case that I’m commenting on hair and makeup in the first place. That 5th shot with those gorgeous massive boobs in full effect….lordy. I would so love to kiss them Sam (for starters), you can come over anytime you want. :-)
That’s one lucky chair on the ass pic!
Samantha is my favorite BBW. Damn, I love her tits and pretty face! I’m not usually attracted to bigger girls but with her I can’t stop drooling. She’s a beauty!
Don’t pic on Reese. I like men who worship me.
In my head I am still a small town country girl, who can’t believe that so many like to see me naked…….
Wow, Big Boob Fan… I was feeling vulnerable in that shot. Guess the eyes can truly give the thoughts away. Which is why I usually try to have dirty thoughts while modeling.
Web cam show is fun. And I get to play dress up each time and so I do my makeup and hair different to have fun with it. Thanks to Mr. Unnatural for noticing.
I have the best job in the world. I get to orgasm at work. I get to make people happy and relieve stress. And like a little kid I still get to play dress up.
Doing the cam show is way more fun than I thought. Sooooo HOT to do. Plus I get to interact in a safe way with my fans.
Thank you to Reese, Thank you to all those who took the time to post here. Thank you to all those who joined me onthe shows this week. And thank you to all the fans.
Here is a fun fact.
The Bedroom set in the background. Big Naturals shoot paid for it.
Samatha’s face has that look and charm that would make me melt under its influence. Then going beyond that her tits and ass would make me her slave. perpetually erect! Its all good!
I’ve been a Sam fan since as long as I can remember being into porn, but i gotta say the excessive airbrushing takes away a bit from the picture.
Yes I’ve been a Sam fan since I first saw her on BigNaturals.com when she was more meaty, with a face of delight. A few years on the figure has changed, but the face is still lovely. I pefer her in Movie only, with the exception of a few pictures now and again, but whoever is doing your airbrushing Sam, you should look into changing them.
Sam – glad I read you right. :) It’s good to be vulnerable every now and then, but keep those dirty thoughts coming and don’t stop baby! :)
Samantha is looking soo hott in this pics, one of my Fav BBW babes
I never wanted her to switch to blond I don’t digg blonds but looking at this pictures …WOW ;)
Thnx love samantha soooooooo much
MMMmmm……….makes a cherokee want to jump the fence
Hello Samantha, my name is Tesseu and I’m brasilian. you are for me
a very nice woman, and I want to meet you and talk to also. Provided that it met the net, when you come together with each new scene of their work, I’m your fan … You have my Hotmail, I very possible that you adcionasse me the list of contacts. You are very charming and one day you want to know pessoalemnte. Kisses
Ps: Tesseu Carvalho
when will there be foot fetish videos or face smothering