Every occasionally, I grow somewhat despondent looking at the same tits all the time. Sure, I’ve got my all-time favourites of which I never tire but, sometimes, I just long for some delicious new breast flesh to fill my porn platter. When such a mood befalls me, I generally start scouting for amateur talent via various big boobs cam galleries as they’re filled with thousands of busty girls as of yet undiscovered by the multitudinous porn barons of the big tits niche.
Sometimes, though, I’m rather shocked by the appearance of an extremely well-endowed woman whose breast assets haven’t already been conscripted to some big boob site or other, and such was indeed the case when I came upon a busty blond going by the name of Samantha47 over at ImLive! Surely, the huge, full, pendulous breasts on this slim-n-stacked colossal cleavage queen must have been discovered by someone already, no?!
Trouble is, cam sites tend to get a bit sniffy when their girls so much as mention appearing on other websites, often resulting in their being banned from performing there, so I certainly couldn’t ask her in live cam chat for fear of jeopardising her career. :~( And so, I turn to you – MyBoobSite’s gentle readers – to see if you might have seen this busty beauty before, and even any information on other aliases she may have had previously would be greatly appreciated.
Apologies for the poor photo quality, as all I can show you are some low-res vidcaps from her live webcam shows. But, hopefully, these will be enough to spark memories of this massive mammary maiden from past appearances on other websites, and thanks in advance for any further information you can provide re: the extremely busty Samantha47 at ImLive.com:

It looks as though those pics have been seriuosly morphed. Honestly, have a good look at them.
Yeah. I’d vote Morphed also.
They are so obviously morphed. I frequent this site, and frankly I’m surprised the blog author actually bought into it for even a second.
Fake tits- and how much make-up does the old slapper want to cake on?
Nurse? yeah, right.
NOT Morphed. Just really BAD lighting. See the IMLIVE show. She’s real, and she is 47 years old and needs less makeup, yes, but she’s still a pretty lady with an AMAZING body. She’s real.
Has anyone actual seen her live? I went to a some cam sites and she is not available (logged on)
I did a chat with her and she banned me out of nowhere. I was steadily kissing her ass and giving her nonstop compliments. WTF?! It wasn’t anything I said because I was being nice as hell and not pushy or vulgar. In fact when she banned me, I looked back on the video and she didn’t touch the keyboard when it happened…..in fact, she hadn’t touched the keyboard for over 15 seconds. WTF. Is someone else typing for her? This whole thing is fishy. LOL
I did a show with her. Bra size 32L she said. Good show. Natural boobs, no implants there. The show got cut short when I mentioned I will visit her in Krakow this summer. Got the feeling Imlive was monitoring and cut it off.
And the pics are not morphed. Just plain huge tits.
Hey OB1, imlive wasn’t monitoring. She has not only banned me but several others I know now. I don’t know what her deal is but it’s bullshit and she actually needs to be reported. She’s being a royal bitch to everyone no matter what they do.
Yeah, same here – btw, those are NOT morphed. Was just having a killer show with her & got banned myself, weird.
Trust me they are not morphed I know because I have seen them for real ;)