Venera. Not a name I’d chose, I’ll be honest, especially in this line of work.
1: Of or relating to sexual desire or sexual intercourse.
2: Of or relating to venereal disease.
I’m sorry, perhaps that’s a bit harsh, but FFS… remember that song by Dawn called Candida? (You do know that candida is commonly known as thrush, right? And I’m not talking about wee birdies, here).
I love language and I revel in its usage. I adore to mither over the etymology of certain terms and I am not adverse to a good bout of filthy cursing. In fact someone that knows how to use their words in an effortless, yet intricate, way will get my juices flowing, every time. I know I am not alone in feeling like this. Why, just look at the man I married, for starters.
My point? I refer the honourable gentleman to the paragraph I started this blog with.
In the spirit of fairness, a quick Google tells me there is a Saint Venera. I find her to have a not particularly remarkable life, as saints go, but she is invoked against volcanic eruptions! :-o So perhaps our fine 32G model Venera is more clued up about 2nd century saints that we might guess. She’s Greek. It could be the case.
Shall we just look at her tits?

It appears that my magical mammary man has provided me with a whole big bunch of side- and back-view boobie bounty, today, all from
Just for fun, compare and contrast her with the magnificent Miosotis, as seen on this blog a few days ago. They couldn’t be more different, really, could they? The svelte, white, blonde Venera and the big, brunette, black booty of Miosotis. However, they are both keen on showing us their titties from a back view. Something more models should do, but not all have the excess norkage with which to do so.
Jiggly jubblies video? Don’t mind if I do!

(Seeing as I was talking about my love of language, earlier, I simply couldn’t fail to comment on this ^ banner now, could I?) :lol:
To quote you: “I love language and I revel in it’s usage”.
Oh dear, so many times I see this mistake, people typing ‘it’s’ instead of ‘its’, but in this sentence it’s really really bad!!!
Hahah! Good spot, Jan!
That’s what comes of me writing before 0900hrs and not paying attention to my autopilot typing. (Got it proof read, too).
I shall chastise myself accordingly.
Skipping the language lesson,
Yes. She’s crazy hot. Gotta say, she’s probably my favourite big tit model right now. She’s the entire package.
Oh, and just a quick note. I looked up some of her videos. She does a couple anal dildo cams. My wife masturbated twice to these. Now she wants to try a threesome because Venera’s so fucking hot. Life is good.
I’d like to see this woman get REAL raunchy.
Just recalling something from elementary school – if my memory is not betraying me, Venera is a name for the planet Venus and probably for the goddess, too. Two Russian space probes were named Venera as well – targeted at Venus.
I guess that the word “veneral” comes from this origin, too – Venus is the goddess of love, isn’t she? :-)
Yes, Ray. Veneral does come from that origin, indeed.
@ NameGiven… w00t!
yessir venera certainly lives up to her name in that she is the epitome of sexy!!(just listen to her voice and how she moans!!!) yes merilyn sakova never was this sexy!
btw.. its a new chick with huge naturals who you guys should blog about!
Woah, Kingy… Alice, damn!!
(See, am at a loss for words here)
Am looking, but I cannot see that she has a site of her own or that she is featured on, that we can work with.
Will keep looking, though.
I’ve certainly found Vix’s commentaries very enjoyable.
I especially like the observation that one model comes around
only once a year “like a meteor shower”!
You know how some DVD movies have an alternate audio track
for commentaries? Maybe this site needs an alternate link
( ?) so that we can see the same entry but
read comments from Reese and Vix both! (Probably lots of
extra work for not much reward, but I can dream, can’t I?)
greek? her greek name?
Venera as noted can mean Venus in Russia was a series of space probes to that planet. It is also the name of a soccer team. She is from Greece, not sure if the team is.
In some of her early vidcams, she looks incredibly gorgeous. However it is hard not to notice the scars of her boob jobs now. Sad to say.
@ Steve – Sorry, you’ve just got me for a bit, as explained by Reese some days ago. But thank you for your input.
@ nicangelos – I can only find that she is also called Isabella, but both that and Venera are claimed to be her “real” name.
@ Bob – There appear to be quite a few St Venera footy teams, in places like Malta and what-have-you.
Lana’s Big Boobs claims that Venera could come from the Republic of Moldova, which is inhabited by a significant minority speaking Ukrainian or Russian, what could explain her uncommon name.
Anyway, she’s really beautiful and hot regardless if she had a boob job or not (no intention of rhyming ;-) ).
Damn, she is just smoking! Venera is the type of woman I’d take for my baby mamma!
I was starting to come around to her, but then I looked at the third “big tits up front” shot and you can see her left one is clearly misshapen, suggesting she’s been jobbed, and none too well. Shame.
Shes moving to the top of my faves this lady! HOT! Just as long as she has the natural look in her pics and not the weird lips (on her face!) shes often seen pictured with
one of my most favourite natural bodies.. i love chubby women mainly but Venera is, for me, one olf the best.. Her 32G’s are amazing – I love that really powerful looking shot of her standing in front of the mirror facing us… I would happily see her go hard core any time… Good stuff.
QUOTE: WHAT? Zeke,you that that this was a botch? The bigger they get the more non symetrical they get. They are different than others with the same bra size,indeed. Those would pan cake more than Rachels,Lee Ann Crows or Ines or SeptemberCarrino:
Boobs that big are seldom the same size,even when they are enhanced.
Enjoy the ones,individually. BUT there are 2!
Reese and Vix offer the Best Boobs around! I love this site and what you guys provide for us pervs.
Some girls are just udderly fantastic. You have found them. YUMMM!