But first, I want to ask about a boob blog comment I’ve been pondering: Zeke wrote,“Reese, just as a side note, a lot of posts feature two models, with the first one getting lots of attention/snaps and the second one as a footnote. Make it easy on yourself… just have the one model per post!”
Yes, it’s true that I tend get seriously distracted by big tits and end up posting multiple mammary models on a single blog entry sometimes, but that’s usually because whatever I’m writing about tits has reminded me of something else I’ve seen in the big boobs porn world recently that I’d like to share as well. However, a lot of the time, it’s not quite enough to flesh out a full blog post, so I begin interjecting breasts hither, thither and yon. But are too many tits just confusing? Should I keep my breast thoughts to myself if such tits are off-topic, rather than just sticking tits up at random as they pop into my boob-addled brain as I blog? Or, as Zeke more succintly put it, should I try to limit my posts to one busty model per entry? Just curious to hear whatever other large breast lovers might have to say on the subject.
Anyway, guess I’d best just give it a go (tempting though it may be to sneak some new Leanne in as well, since we’d seen both her & Venera together on another recent entry). And so, getting her H-cup tits & pussy out at the pool table (reminding me once again of those sexy games of pervy pool I used to play with my old semi- now ex-girlfriend) and sliding a cue up her cleavage, here’s stunningly 32H Sexy Venera in photos & videos from DDFbusty.com:

Big breasts are a wonderful thing. I myself have big breasts and think there should be a national holiday to celebrate the wonders of the breasts. One day a year should be dedicated to honouring the joy and pleasure that big breasts bestow upon mankind.
WOW waaaay too skinny for my taste. No ass neither. The tits seem alittle to sag worse than an 80yr old. Yes…I know.
^^ WOW…that’s a bit harsh GoodPoint.
I’m posting and say that the shape of the boobage is very unique (i.e. the curvature of the left breast), but aren’t big’uns supposed to hang low? Personally if they are too perky it doesn’t look natural to me.
Just my 2 pesos
This woman is a 110% big bust model!
being a model isn’t just getting your picture taken in this type of industry
Surprised no one mentions her face either, she’s not exactly pretty especially her nose.
Got to say Reese I enjoy reading your posts. Your rather spectacular use of run on-and-on-and-on sentences along with multiple models in a post sets this site apart from the others. Why be like the crowd?
Loving the sag/pliability of her tits! shes got to have one of the slimest waist/boob ratios out there!
love to see her in some bondage…
i LOVE her boobs including all the saggyness, stretch marks and veins. All of it. So much in fact, that it bums me out to see how much they airbrush her boobs in these photosets.
I implore you to keep up with the multiple models per post format. While I often skip over a lot of your words, I do generally follow the train of thought that you are expressing and it is interesting. Your various opinions on big boobs and related subjects give the blog a structure. Sure I disagree with a lot of what you say and our tastes differ widely on some aspects of boobage and girls, but opinions are worth having and observing.
Also, and this one is really important, comparison is almost essential in big boob appreciation. ”Big, bigger, massive.. hmm which model do I like most here? How does this model compare to this or that model and how do they all compare to women I interact with in real life?” Your blog is a constant source of these lines of thinking and I believe it is stronger for it.
Finally, having multiple models per post means we get to see more boobs and have an even higher chance of seeing something we really like.
Right that was a rather longer post than I intended.
Keep up the good work
You guys are crazy. This chick is the BOMB! Y’all can keep Anorei and all the other 250lb gals. I’ll take a slim chick with big naturals any day of the week. It’s far more impressive to be slim and stacked. Venera is awesome, and doesn’t look like she’ll drop dead from a heart attack soon, or eat an entire thanksgiving turkey.
I tend to favor the plus-sized models myself, but I’m impressed by this skinny vixen with massive breasts. In a nutshell, she appears to be all-natural. I don’t see any evidence of silicone enhancement whatsoever, and that alone makes her much more enticing. Sure, I salivate over the surgically enhanced models too, but there is something special about a skinny woman who can achieve such massve breast size without implants. In real life, I could tolerate the sagginess because she’d be wearing a bra most of the time and her cleavage would be magnificent! Also, there is nothing wrong with her face or her nose. She looks nice all the way around.
Should MBS be open to dubious self-promoters like this Ellie?
I took a look at her blog and found nothing boob-centric about it. Just shallow gossip. I vote that she be removed.
PS Venera is great.
[Reese write: I totally agree, tyrr, and will leave her comments but eliminate the links. Thanks for your input! :~)]