Shione Cooper. Beautiful.
I could and would have left it at that, because, well, she just is. And after Reese kind of called her possible girlfriend material (for after I die in a horrible car crash, or something :lol: ) it appears I am not alone in thinking she is all that.
With her 34F (or DDD-cup, if you prefer) boobs and her neat, not overly fat or thin figure, underneath those titties, I’m liking what I see.
Then, though, I see this:

Now, after Lexxxi Luxe covered her massive mammaries in pegs (as we call them, here in the UK) in the tit-sucking video, I am beginning to wonder what it is about pegs and whether I would like to associate myself with someone, regardless of how stunning they are, that likes to inflict this kind of pain on themselves*.
I have not, intentionally, pinned pegs to myself, as far as I can remember. I have, however, caught my fingers in them before and that is just plain unpleasant. However, Shione seems to be relishing this practice here, in this photo set from
So, I’m scrolling through the photos and think “At least she hasn’t pegged up her twat” but then, lo and behold, she does just that. OK, she doesn’t peg it up so as it’s shut for business, but you know what I mean. Having said that, with all those pegs hanging off her flaps, it’s certainly a closed cunt to me!!
Just for respite, we have included a few non-pegged pictures, too. Made me sigh with relief, did those.

*Who am I kidding!?! Of course I would!!

Who’s that busty model on the link banner to W4B ? Still Shione ?
i figure when you’ve gone as far as she has, you gotta keep finding new things to numb the pain. lol /whiteknight
There’s no accounting for tastes, of course, but certainly those clothespins really are gilding the lilly. Nothing wrong with her tits sans pegs, in my view.
I don’t go for seriously kinky stuff, and this is a bit too far.
i don’t understand the clothespins either but Shione is perfection. I wouldn’t want to damage her exquisite breasts or any other part of her body with clothespins
Already found out – it’s Domino.
She must have a high threshold for pain. That looks like it would hurt like hell! Ouch!!!!
thee most gorgeous model on the scene, whether she likes to hang her undies on a clothe line or use a dryer.
Not my cup of tea, but to each his own…
You guys really don’t go for the kink, huh?
What’s this in comparison to her scenes of bukkake and threesome with bi-guys ? :-)
Valitseja, Trust me putting clothespins on various parts of one’s body including the tit,s pussy and cock and balls is about as far from being seriously kinky as you can get.
30 years ago it might have been on the high end of the whacked out kinky scale of things, but not today when dudes split their dicks down the middle and then insert electrodes.
I guess I’m more kinky than I thought because Shione looks alluring in these.
Yeah, I’m with Tomasz- I dig the clothespins, and would love to use them on her. But threesomes with trannies? No- that’s way too weird for me.
Hey, *I* never said it was kinky, I’m just not into pain myself.
And kinky? One mans kink is another mans turn-on, innit? Who’s to say what is and what is not “normal”?
Like threesomes with trannies, or anyone else, for that matter.
Actually those were “regular” bisexual guys, not proper trannies, but that doesn’t change much. They fucked her and they fucked each other. You can find about it in some post on the Shione thread on FreeOnes.
The clothespins really turned me on, and i’m not very kinky (just like big naturals, always have).
Shione is extremely cute, kind of looks like the singer from Evanessence if she had huge breasts.
It pained me to watch that Bukake scene, because Shione deserves better than some random, creepy dudes dumping all over her.
Katarina Hartlova is another gorgeous, Shione-esque type (but blonde),
and she did the same Bukakke deal, as well.
Those girls are way too gorgeous to be doing that low-class porn.
Just thought I’d share this photo from Saturday, when we were celebrating the Queens Jubilee with various games and “sports” in our village.

When the peg game came along