I don’t mean to alarm you all today by posting small tits pics on this blog, but I’ve just had a nagging question that’s been brewing in my mind since the weekend. On Saturday, Vix & I went on a lovely canal boat booze-cruise with some of our swing-mates. I brought my camera, of course, anticipating lots of big bouncy boobs flopping about in the slutty / tarty tight-fitting tops which are the norm for such parties.
I found myself somewhat sadly disappointed, however, as there really wasn’t much in the way of what of what I consider to be reasonably large breasts in attendance and so instead spent most of the evening stealing sneaky down-blouse glimpses of Vix (sad when there’s a room full of available totty and you find yourself perving at the wife instead). We all had a smashing time, though, got terribly drunk and Vix even got her tits out for the lads and ladettes on several occasions much to the delight of the bar staff and crew (everyone else had seen them before, natch).
This got me to thinking: Here was a literal boat-load of otherwise attractive women who’d probably have sex with me for the asking but, apart from one or two others, I really couldn’t find anyone who was particularly well-endowed to my tastes and, as an overtly-obsessive big breast lover, that’s sort of a requirement even in the most casual encounters. But then I began to wonder (hypothetically, of course) if I would’ve been able to settle down with someone lesser-endowed as a wife or girlfriend. Would I truly be happy? And, if so, what’s the absolute minimum I could cope with?
After we’d arrived home, I decided to start collecting evidence – examples of girls from a wide range of smaller cup-sizes – just to see how I’d react from a purely physical standpoint. The site I used was MC-Nudes because of their vast and varied collection of tits of all shapes and sizes ranging from an A-cup to an F-cup (the latter representing MyBoobSite’s “Minimum Dairy Requirements”), choosing three girls of each cup-size to ponder over in my mammary musings since even breasts of the same cup-size can look dramatically different depending upon the build of the model.
In the end, I concluded that I did indeed have a minimum. Taking away all of the “internal” variables of personality, intelligence, humour, kindness, empathy and compassion (I suppose I should include sexual attitude and libido in there as well), and judging solely by outward appearance, I determined that a woman would have to have at least E-cup breasts for me to seriously consider pursuing the possibility of a permanent, monogamous relationship. How shallow am I?!
I then became curious as to whether others felt the same as I did. Thus, I embarked upon the laborious task of constructing a poll so that you all could participate in my little psychological study. Have a look at the following models from MC-Nudes (the E-cups & F-cups have video examples as well, as a testament to my shallowness) and then scroll down to the bottom of this post and let me know if you, too, have minimum mammary requirements for a potential spouse or girlfriend (and, even though I know we’re all big breast lovers here, please be honest in expressing the absolute smallest cup-size you could be content with in a serious partner):

D or higher, KKK at the max, if she’s like Kristina Milan or something.
C cup minimum…but i think i’m kind of weird when it comes to this. I prefer C cup over D or DD, but prefer DDD and up over C cup? I think it’s because i really pay close attention to the shape of the breasts too.
How can any normal straight Man actually be content with an A-cup female?
thats what i was thinking.
Don’t you ever post flat chested girls on here again!!! I almost threw up!!
I most thank you for this particular blog entry. I’ve pondered this question for years, and after 36 years I’ve finally come to grips with my shallowness and have concluded that it is impossible for me to be satisfied with less than a size DD. As Clint said, “A man has got to know his limitations.”
“(sad when there’s a room full of available totty and you find yourself perving at the wife instead)”
that’s funny i’ve done the same thing with my wench
dr shrink
This question depends on the situation, ideal women that atleast an F cup but for an actual girlfriend/wife I wouldn’t be hugely bothered. Dont get me wrong I love big natural boobs a lot more that the next guy but I see it as more of a fantasy element e.g. men who find asian women more attractive but this doesn’t mean they refuse to date any other race.
I’d shag them all. But with the A and B cup girls, slim and pretty though they are, I’d still be hungry. Kind of like going to a gourmet resturant, paying hundreds of dollars (or pounds) for a tiny plate of food; then hitting a drive-thru on the way home so you’ll actually have something in your tummy. A personal preference, big boobs are better. The flat chested girls are pretty but I’d always be drooling over bigger breasted women if I was in a steady realtionship with them.
Susie Sparks size preferably (lol)! Nikki King size at a minimum! I love huge, heavy pendulous hangers!
Thing is though, breast size isn’t tied purely to cup size alone. Comparatively someone who’s a 34C would look similar to 36B. You need to take into account the size of the body as well as the size of the bust. Someone whose wearing a 40DD would have more breast on them than someone in a 34F. I guess it depends how much fatness put you off though.
Likewise it also depends on the girl themselves. A girl can be flat chested, and yet heave everything else going for them. A pretty face, and a sexy body can work wonders, even if they’re flatter than a pancake. I guess it depends on many things you find sexy about a woman. If all your attracted to is a big bust, then your going to struggle to find the ladies shown as sexy. If on the other hand you find other things sexy, and have other turn ons, then you could probably have fun with any of the girls shown here.
Finally, this is based purely on physical appearance. Lets not forget love does crazy stuff to a person, and would allow you to find even the most repulsive of people sexy enough for you to have lots of fun with. I’ve fallen in love with a flat chested girl before, looking back now she’s not that sexy, but back then we had some fantastic sex, and I never had a problem with getting aroused by her. Damn singleness.
I too have thought about this a lot. I’ve seen or met a lot of beautiful women, even had dates with a couple. But, they didn’t cut it in the mammary dept. I guess I was testing myself to see if I really could seriously date someone who wasn’t BIG chested. I now know I couldn’t. I was still looking at the busty ones. (Hell, my current girl is a 38G, and I STILL look!) I would sacrifice an extremely pretty face and/or great legs for a bigger chest any day. Case in point – I think Catherine Zeta Jones is gorgeous, but given the choice between her and a woman who’s not as pretty, and even heavier, but an F-cup+, I’d take the boobs anyday! :)
Thanks for the cerebral post, Reese, but it’s time to get back to the boobs!! (We need a Maxi post now!)
When looking on the internet I normally don’t look at small chested ladies. In real life though I find that physical attraction has more to do with a ladies personality as well as her looks, so overall if she is attractive in body and mind I will find her attractive regardless of cup size.
Also I’m sorry to say but the people who regularly check this blog will most definately end up with a woman that is worthy of posting here, best case scenerio is you may get a lady who could fit in on the BBW blog. So if you’re one of the people that picked “F or higher” I hope you can handle “210 or larger”.
Oh I meant that to say “most definately not”
This is something I’ve thought about myself many times. Because in “real life” there’s so much more to attraction, so I could easily be with someone who was A or B. But I wonder how long would I stay interested in someone like that? Would I eventually tire of her and end up always drooling over E’s and F’s, or at least wishing for a D? Probably so. I think I could be happy for a while, but eventually I’d be overcome by a nagging feeling that there’s just something missing. When it comes to looking a pics online I pretty much filter out anything under an E… that says enough right there.
I have to agree with Mr. Unnatural and Surplusexitance.
In my opinion during the initial female encounter it is possible to find a small chested woman attractive and even fall in love with her. However when you pose the question of long term, possible marriage, relationships the relationship dynamic will inevitably change over time. I personally do not believe any man with a true affinity to large breasted woman can be 100% happy with an ‘A’ or ‘B’ cup female. After several years of being with a small chested female the “Honeymoon” phase will fade. A big part of keeping a marriage healthy is being attracted to your wife. If after five years of marriage you look at her and can’t find some kind of reason to get it up then partner you are in for some tough times.
I do not believe we choose to like large breasted woman. It was something that was hard wired in our brains at the point of conception. Just like there are men that prefer large bums or pretty feet or beautiful legs or a beautiful face. The die hard boob fan loves breasts add can not get enough of admiring their beauty.
I do not believe any of us should feel like we are being shallow. In reality we are being true to our selves.
I am one of those guys who does NOT like the fake stuff… so I honestly would take a smaller size over someone with a couple of fakies, no matter what the size. That being said… big naturals are by far my preference… and I definitely can handle “210 or larger”….
Sorry to say it, but I really can’t seem to find girls attractive if they have less than an F cup. No idea why, really, but something about them just seems missing.
If I’m shallow, so be it. Anything less than a D and it would be like you’re fucking a bloke.
Yea im in the same boat as you Reece, E cup n up. i agree wholeheartedly with alot of the comments here too about attraction and stuff being important. and yea i realise that theres plenty of things other than boobs. but thats the thing, THEYRE NOT BOOBS! haha. first 2 things i notice on a girl, face and boobs (usually in reverse order) – n the face is usually to check on age of said female. if the boobs arent big enuff for me, i wont look twice. i think i might be more shallow than you Reece! haha.
keep up the great blog!!
I have found myself always leaning towards the larger rack. My minimum threshold is a C cup mostly because my wife is a C cup so any other answer would be wrong at least in our home! Like you Reese I like meaty women, soft and cuddly. Now my fantasies are to be smothered by a minimum of DD.
That’s just ridiculous.
If I were to base my choices on appearance alone I’d always be with a woman with large breasts. In reality there hasn’t been a strong pattern in the women I’ve dated. I’ll take a winning personality over huge breasts any day. That being said, I’ve never dated anyone with less than a C cup, so I can’t comment on being with someone flat-chested. One advantage to women with smaller breasts and smaller builds is that they are *generally* able to be much more active. I do like that, and it can make for a better sex life.
What a dilemma! I think that, like a couple of the other posters, I would shag any of them (beggars can’t be choosers after all) but if I were only going to have sex with the same woman for the rest of my life she would have to be very large breasted.
Infact rather disturbingly I realised from the pics that F cup wasn’t really large enough!
I am surprised that no one mentions the fact that being attracted to large breasts is not just about a visual aesthetic preference. It’s not only that large breasts are beautiful to look at, they also have a wonderful functional purpose at well — titfucking! I could never be perfectly physically satisfied with a small breasted woman who could not smother my cock between her breasts. It would be equivalent to asking a woman to be satisfied with a man who is physically desirable in every way but who would never perform cunnilingus.
There’s nothing shallow about having a preference. How often have we heard women express their preferences in a man? No one seems to think they’re shallow when they will only consider men who are in a certain line of work, let alone those who look a certain way. Women are not shy about expressing their preferences, and don’t think themselves shallow for doing so. Neither should we.
Physical attraction is a very tenuous thing for some of us. I cannot, absolutely cannot, get aroused by the sight of a small breasted woman, no matter how pretty she is. A woman would have to be at least a D-cup for me to consider her. (My girlfriend is a DD.) Needless to say, they would have to be natural. Fake tits are repulsive.
I’m a little different than most and I’m a SERIOUS lover of large breasted women.
I actually like the variety of the female form even though my root preference is that of the voluptuous buxom type. In all honesty I’m like a kid in a candy store and I wanna try all the flavors. Sometimes I don’t think I could ever be permanently satisfied with ANY woman alone without wanting to adventure.
Not to say this would make me a cheater because unless both of us agree to an open relationship I would never disrespect my woman like that.
There are types of women that at one time I thought were unattractive and then like an epiphany I understood the nature of their beauty and began to like it. I looked at tall lanky Olive Oyl type women and was turned on when I usually am turned on by women with big bubble butts and protruding fronts. At one time I disliked muscular women (always preferred my women soft and tender) but then one day I said now I get it, I get what makes them attractive. These types ran absolutely contrary to who I usually find attractive even though they never diminished my original attractions.
I discovered that I appreciate women in all their forms and can always find something I like within them. This made me happy because it meant I could always be turned on with the woman I’m with but then it created a new problem because I would find myself attracted to too many different types because absolutely no one has it all.
Yes, I *love* big breasts on a woman, really REALLY big breasts (Norma Stitz anyone? that more than a handful line is not observed by me) but YES I can actually see what makes a A-cup woman attractive. I like tall women, taller and much taller than me like Amazons & WNBA stars and I like shorties & dwarves like Bridget the Midget. I like big fat women like Queen Raqui at 6′ 4″ near 600 pounds and yet I can see the beauty in a delicate petite ballerina girl. I like exotic foxes dressed skimpily in thongs and I also like plain janes dressed in conservative long jean dresses to the ankles. There’s no significant limit on ethnicity (though blondes aren’t usually my first choice) or economic class.
I usually like my woman to be unique in some way. Sometimes I like the girls who are big on bottom and light on top. Sometimes I like the ones who are big on top on light on bottom. Sometimes I like the hourglass, sometimes the courvoisier. I like smooth legs and chunky legs with cellulite simultaneously. The young and the mature. Sometimes it’s not the body shape but a certain feature on the girl I like that wrestling legend Scott Hall would say is “down there”. And yes sometimes it’s more the unique personality of the girl alone that attracts me. I like spunky aggressive girls but how could I ever deny those sweethearts so kind and caring? Sometimes I actually like the latter types more.
My true problem ain’t just breast size but who to actually settle down with? *Can* I settle down? Or will I continue to be the kid in the candy store trying all the many many tasty flavors. Tough decision for me.
John Lucas
I would have to go with a DD-cup minimum. Don’t get me wrong, I love women of all shapes and sizes, but we are talking here about someone you potentially want to spend the rest of your days with.
I have been happily married to a busty 36F woman for over 20 years, who when we first met was a DD. From the outset I have been in love and lust with her, and her breasts have played a major role in the latter.
I think that it is an unfortunate mistake to deny your love of big breasts. It is far healthier to be honest about your sexual preferences and to be so with your loved one as well. In fact, I am sure that my wife is far more confident about her body in general because she knows that I adore her ample breasts and accompanying curvaceous figure.
In addition, she gets an immense kick out of witnessing the effect her breasts have on me in our sex play. And lets face it, if you enjoy titfucking, the onus is on you to ensure that your well-endowed honey knows it.
My advice: be honest about your love of big breasts, lest you deny yourself one of life’s ultimate pleasures!
I’m definitely with PJ and Dave on this one. I define a woman sexually by her breast size. It is one of the key differences between the sexes. Give me a tight figure on the beach not that I care a damn, but give me a voluptious figure in bed, I know who I am with. If I was a girl I would probably want a big dick. I like my plate full and full breasts are simply the deal, they physically define femininity.
This is a quandry… Obviously I have a leaning to the larger breasted female form, why else would I be here? But in no way shape or form would I say it is an absolute.
Most of the women that have shared my life (bed) have been large breasted… my first real girlfriend was a C/D (at 5′ and 17 years of age, this was great) I had a thing with a lass that the closest comparison would be Busty Merylin. Samantha reminds me of my current squeeze, but I have had things with girls of AA and A/B cups.
It’s a bit like the blonde/brunette redhead preference to me. I prefer brunettes, but find my fair share of blondes and redheads very erm… interesting.
As an example, Ewa, Nadine, Samantha, Alicia are wonderful, big breasted and gorgeous… but I also find Andrea Spinks and a few others at the other end of the scale very appealing.
So what’s the moral of this story for me… if it’s cute and female I’m interested. :D
Reading and thinking about the interesting different views above has made me even more confused now, having thought about it more. I have been “in love” for years with a gorgeous, funny, amazingly pretty young woman with the sweetest, easy going, loveable personality. She’s sort of become my ideal fantasy girlfriend as we get on so well and she is fantastic to talk to and stunning to look at.
It’ll very likely never happen, except in my dreams, as she is a lot younger than me and could, quite frankly, have whoever she wanted. But it has only just dawned on me from this very interesting thread that she really has quite small boobs.
So, from saying I would only want only want an F cup partner long term that would mean I wouldn’t want a woman I have adored for maybe 5 years!
Oh shxt, this is doing my head in now! Is a beautiful personality and face enough to make you forgo the huge boobs? I just don’t know any more Reese. You’ve confused my whole world view of women :-)
Tim – “Don’t you ever post flat chested girls on here again!!! I almost threw up!!”
Hey, hey, hey, now. Now, while I’m with practically everyone here, I have found some very attractive A-cup girls, although it has been their personality that really caught me. That being said, I probably wouldn’t want anything beyond casual sex, as I don;t believe that I would be content to settle down with anything smaller than DD. There are things you simply cannot so with C-cup or lower.
I’m going with “doesn’t matter,” because it really doesn’t…very much. I’m a holistic kind of guy, and sure, all else being equal I prefer larger breasts, but the total package is more important to me. Considering some of the ladies above, there are definitely a few cases where I’d prefer the smaller girl.
As for whether any of us are being shallow: I’d say you’re only shallow if you let the numbers mean more than how you feel.
This was very interesting, as I’ve always been into Huge boobs, F cup minimum, and recently I met a fantastic girl, who ticked all the boxes as they say, BUT she had C Cup tits, and well, it just didnt work out.
Im kicking myself for being so shallow, but at least I KNOW I’m shallow, so now, I cant even see the point in starting a relationship with anyone unless they have Huge boobs…
I dissagree so much with alot of you guys. i cant stand chicks with huge tits. i prefer nothing more than a C. i enjoy smaller (5’2” to 5’5”) women that are atheletic and petite.
We all know what happens when the biggums get old; poor saps having to fight through her tits to find her pussy cause they sag to the knees. but a B cup girl will stay perky for much longer and i actually believe they are more fun in bed. im only 20 and havent had more than 5 sets of breasts in my mouth in my life but i definitely enjoyed smaller than larger. there are just so many more options in bed. i dont know if i could go as low as an AA but a large A to a small C is perfect for me.
I’m sorry but you guys ARE shallow. I am a 22 year old girl and here are some facts for ya (no offense)
1. There is a strong connection between a girl’s weight and her breast size. I can assure you, you can’t find a girl with bigger than a B cup if she has a petite figure. Any woman can have C, D, E+ sizes if they gain weight.
2. You keep saying bigger is better. Let’s say okay. Breasts are not the MAIN thing for sex but penis is. How about your sizes? Yes, the girls in adult movies have enormous tits. How about the category “big cock?” How many of you have a large penis? First consider your size and qualifiedness for any kind of sex, then think about titf*cking.
3. I think all men who care about a girl’s breast size have his own problems with his penis size. Think about it, all celebrities who has a high self-esteem ended up with a normal girl. Look at Vanessa Paradis J. Depp’s girl), look at Kate Bosworth (O. Bloom’s ex), Brad Pitt was engaged to Gwyneth Paltrow.
4. Angelina Jolie became a B cup after she lost too much weight. Isn’t she still sexy now?
Sex is all about your performance and attraction to someone. Not the fucking size! (goes both for guys and girls) Grow up!!
B-C has got to be my fav. More than a handful is a waste!
Nice to see some hotties whose nips don’t hang below their clitts.
All of you dont get ladies its obvious it doesnt matter wot size tits they have as long as they have nice nipples cute bum gorjus body and a beautiful face. for example my bird. To top it she is the nicest girl ive ever met. so stop bein so shallow and find a nice girl with any size tits please. oh if they have huge tits they are either fake (wot a turn off) or a huge figure im not sayin there isnt anythin wrong with a big girl because they are normally the nicest girls
i love a cup girls….they r sexy…..prefer flat chested girls compared to giant tits
I personally would not accept anything less then a B cup. Anything below that is repulsive and disgusting and unwomanly. I mean, who wants to suck, lick, squeeze, and bury his face into the chest of a little boy? not me! i like women!
I refuse to date a girl if her boobs are too small, and below a b cup is too fuckin small. I’m also more likely to date a gril if her boobs are bigger.
A-cup reminds me of a nice young teen!!!
My first tit feel and de-bra was summer of freshman year H.S. and she was 34~”B”. I liked that. But I’ve had 32~”AAA”, and nearly 36~”A”, and 36~”B”. And a 36 or 34 “C”.
What I notced with the “A” gals is as you flat hands up the stomach and ribs below the breasts and proceed from the bottom of the breast to the nipple, one runs out of “breast” quicker with “A”‘s and that figures…but from this bottom touch going up untill the nipple it all feels the same.
I love the bottom of the breasts, but she says she likes the top of the breast stroked better. So I stroke all of the breasts. I would rather see a gal in a bra then nude.
Best of all I like to trace with me finger over the out-line of the bra on her skin, just after taking her bra off. You don’t see many pictures like this.
Interesting. I remember having a conversation about a friend’s girlfriend once. Although she was going out with my friend, personality-wise me and her got on better than anyone. Then when my group of friends was out and they weren’t there everyone pointed out how well we got on, almost like we were attracted to each other. I said yes, personality-wise she’s ideal, but even if she broke up with the friend in question I couldn’t ever see her as a lover. The reason? She was incredibly thin and waifish, with no figure to speak of.
Contrast that to my latest fling. The personality match was half as good, but I stuck with it because she was a BBW with DD breasts – things like a girl being able to suckle her own nipples is a big turn-on, personally. In the end I had to admit defeat because no-one likes being in a relationship where you don’t get back what you give, your partner is jealous and doesn’t listen to what you say. The reason I stuck it out was purely physical. If she had been similar to the first girl, I would have dropped her as soon as she mortally damaged the relationship, not when it was a complete lost cause.
personaly I have no minimum size but instead A maximum size. I dont like anything larger than a D
Personnaly, i think that small tits are sexy. Like if i could id play with them all day. Besides, there are some really hot and sexy girls out there with small tits. I’d settle for an A to a D.
I only like the small tits, anything above B starts to be a turn-off, AA is the ideal size. When she lies on her back they should melt away to nothing, that’s perfect. I don’t hate tits, I don’t like men, it’s nothing like that, i love tits, but if they’re not small then the skinny girls I only like look unbalanced. If i can’t fit the whole thing in my mouth it’s too big. Real world girls with big tits are fat, and that is disgusting.
It makes me cry when hot A cup girls get fake implants.
Anything except implants is good. A large B or C cup is more than enough and the shape is more important than size.
i love A sized tits they’re small and supple but that dont mean
i dont like the big ones either
Smallest (female) breasts in the room, They’re more sensual, responsive to touch, and compensate much (much) more in the other department.
Thank you for the A’s and B’s they are my favorites!!!
How ’bout this…
In person, I prefer anything from a C up. I can go with mega boobs as long as there isn’t too much belly, size 28 tops. Anything bigger than size 28, they loose me boobs and all. When looking at pictures, mags or the net, if its not DD, its not worth looking at. When I see Brooke Burke on in some type of video, she has my full attention. When I see her in stills, its depressing.
I Love women with small tits, I mean flat tits. AA or max A for me every time they are so horney and every one I have been with is great in bed.
AA please every time.
“B” cup is the perfect size. “A” cups are very sexy. “C” are so so.
Anything larger is a waste. Implants are repulsive.
Shape, firmness and nipple is more important than size.
A good set of abs is even better yet;)
Big tits are terrible and false ones even worse . C cup maximum.
it appears that women like big tits so than can show off to their female freinds. i don’t know any men that like implants and few that like larger than a C cup.
all u shallow people who would settle less then c…. you are the reason women confidence are down and making the plastic surgeons rich… large tits also brings back pains…. who would want that
all i can say is my D’s are all natural. my husband (and guys in general) seem to love them… i love sex, love my tits being sucked on and I would hate to get a boob job and lose any feeling. which i heard sometimes happens.
janedoeme34@yahoo if you want to discuss
Ok,for all the guys who thinks chicks with giant DD, E boobs are attractive that’s just nasty. In my opinion I would not go less than a B and not go higher than a plain D. I like women who have nice perky, firm tits not nasty bags of fat. My perfect size would probably be a B/C.
I have to agree that personality has a lot to do with attraction. As a general rule I’d say a C cup is my minimum but I have seen many B’s and A’s I find attractive. My wife is a 34F so I guess I always have something nice to come home to but I think in a permanent partner they have to be big enough to tit fuck. Also you can’t beat they way a lady looks on all fours with big tits swinging free but at the end of the day there is room for everyone
If they fold over, they’re too big.
If the woman has chubby arms and stomach, the tits being big isn’t attractive..she just ends up looking bloated.
I’ll take a perky B or C cup, or a perky D..if that’s even possible without the chick being fat or the tits being saggy.
Tits that fold over at 20 years old are going to look disgusting at 30.
Many of you make comments about fake boobs being gross and everything, and don’t get me wrong, I am not too fond of them myself, but with the comments you made about preferring bigger boobs, and the average breast size barely breaking past the B cup, why else do you think so many women get implants. And then when they do get the size you like with the help of plastic surgery, you turn around and totally disregard them. It’s no different than a 2 year old who can’t make up his mind between “pick me up” or “put me down” Geez, it seems like there’s just no winning is there?
Now I’m not a picky man at all, and I love my young, petite wife with a “B” cup to death, not just because she’s hot and still turns me on with just a simple bend over to pick up after all my messes without nagging, but also because she’s cool as hell, I mean the girl sits down to play Halo with me for hours in the night. No way in hell I’m gonna pass that up. Well, anyway my point is that I honestly, I feel kind of bad for the female population when it comes to this subject, many of us should feel lucky we even get to see or touch boobs in the first place. Just saying
Man, you are a pig. First off, you shouldn’t even be sleeping with anyone unless you are monogamous with her (or him).
Second, a C-cup is immaculate. It’s the golden mean.
Why would anyone want something bigger or settle for something smaller on a woman unless she were teeny tiny in frame or plump? C is perfect. B or D may work as a back-up, but that’s as far as it goes! And yes, fake tits, especially when the woman goes from something like a B to DD, are revolting. A natural C-cup is divinely created perfection.
I think I’d go for anything with 1 or more A’s
They have to be huge. I love huge floppy tits. They are so much fun to play with. Why in the world would any of you guys want to fuck your brother. That’s what it’s like with a girl less than a c-cup. Uggghhh. I understand the few girls responding here – it’s a self conscious thing because they are probably flat. I guess if I had a small dick and the girls all wanted a big dick I’d understand how they felt. Implants are great also as long as they’re big. Why do it if you’re only going to a c-cup. Thanks to all the women that do it for us. And “fuck you” to all the guys that complain about them. I love all you huge chested women -you’re all beautiful. You rock this world.
My favourite size is B. After that is A then C. Anything bigger is gross. Small is subtle yet still gives a woman curves to look at and touch. Subtle is sexiest.
I love big tits just as the next guy or girl and I do like D cups. Just ask yourself this can you honestly say if you found someone that makes you truly happy and they had B cups u would not settle for them? I found my love and she has B cups and I find them more attractive because they are perky and firm not saggy and flop all over the place. So maybe you shouldn’t be so shallow and yes I will and am settling for B cups hate me if you want I don’t care
I found someone who made me truly happy. She had B-cup breasts but had secretly desired bigger boobs since she was a 15-year-old. After we got together, I bought her a pair of 320ml implants fro £5,000 and I dare say she gets more enjoyment out of them than I do! Makes for a most amazing titwank as well. Money well spent, I say, especially since it makes her so happy. However, I fell hopelessly in love with her when she was but a meagre B-cup, so I would’ve remained quite happy with that to this day (then again, she was a super sexy slut, even with the B-cups). ;~)
OMG, this blog is so funny and great! I stumbled on here by accident and enjoyed reading it :P I couldn’t read all the comment but I read a handful. Sorry, I don’t share nor even understand your obsession with giant boobs.
I love boobies just as much as a man, but I’m personally into the smaller ones. I personally think the perfect size is a C cup or smaller, haha call me crazy if you wish! Maybe it’s because my hands are smaller than a man’s….
Anyway, enjoy your obscenely large tits! I’m going to go enjoy my girlfriend’s perfect handful, and I think she’ll enjoy mine as well :P
The b-c cup is the best. I can deal with d’s or lower nit an A but I prefer b-c
I’m not usually fussy, but I can’t date any women with less than a C-cup because I always feel like she’s underage if she has a youthful face.
I think “real life” factors influence this because I can talk to a person directly, learn about them and see how they react to you etc which I can’t do with still photos/videos. So the girl might not be blessed with huge ones but other factors are more important, whereas online there’s nothing but looks so it’s harder to get aroused without large mammaries.
Sometimes you get the best of both worlds. I once went out with a girl who was a near-perfect match personality wise, and just happened to have J-cup breasts with a foot of glorious cleavage, big aureolas and lovely long nipples. Although she wasn’t great in bed, because I bonded with her so well and could be brought to climax with my head or cock buried in her stunning norks I had a great time. Shame it didn’t last; I still dream about her!
I do love the big breast, but when it comes down to it there is just something unnatural about them f’s or DD’s. the way a womans breast looks when they are just normal B or C cups makes there whole body look more sexy. I do however like a girl with nice nipples, just dont slap them on some F cup tits or they look like they come from some other planet. Call me retarded but i like a mre natural, normal loking girl. LOL, as a matter of a fact i recently left a DD girl for a beatifull woman with B cups, i guesse i just got tired of being beat down every time she was on top.
small tits are a must have for a long term relationship in my eyes. you just have to look around to see all the C D and DD cups knocking around women’s knees to know once th bra comes off their tits are a mess. I’ve been with girls from being flat chested to D’s and i’d choose to go small every day of the week. Wont surprise you to know its skinny 20 somethings that turn me on and not th chubbers out there
I would way rather have small tits than fake ones. Small tits are more sensitave than big ones and you can get a way better response playing with them
All you guys who say you need a girl with big boobs are nothin but sallow idoits it doesn’t matter about size cause big boobs are ugly if they don’t fit the girls body size
Personally I don’t get how men can be attracted to girls with giant flabby watermellons hanging off them, doesn’t even look real.
B to c is the ideal generally and frankly once you get to f its a definite turnoff I just never could understand how people like that. Plus its either obese women or lots of silicone
I’ve been giving this an awful lot of thought recently, and I think I’ve come to a conclusion.
I absolutely adore enormous natural breasts hanging off of an otherwise slender frame. It looks awesome, a massive turn-on if you’re so inclined. There’s this overwhelming thought of them being somehow more womanly and beautiful, probably tied into the primitive part of the mind that seeks to pass on the genetics, making them an appealing partner. For example, when I see Kristina Milan lactating constantly during sex, I regard her as a fertility goddess. I understand that’s not for everyone, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it is my policy.
On the opposite side, the problems associated with enormous, cartoonish natural breasts can be overwhelming for both the lady who owns them and her partner. Sleeping positions are limited, back pain can be expected, buying bras is next to impossible, men talk directly to the breasts not her face, insults or jealously from other women, some people are embarrassed to be seen with her etc. These are well-documented.
I went out with a girl sporting enormous jiggling J-cups. Away from their undeniable appeal in making her a glorious sex object and opening up some possibilities in the bedroom that the less well-endowed women physically weren’t capable of, there were these sorts of issues. Outside of the bedroom, these huge lumps made her life quite difficult, something I had not considered before.
So I suppose my opinion is, as much as I selfishly enjoy the look, feel and potential of an enormously endowed lady, especially when she sits down and her breasts cover her chest and practically sit in her lap, overall they are a burden rather than a pleasure. Despite my love of them I fully understand why not everyone does, especially the women who have to put up with the inconveniences they cause, often from quite a young age (i.e. seeing a girl obviously 13/14 already sporting D cups).
There’s nothing wrong with preferring big breasts, but there is something wrong with criticizing women who don’t have big breasts. Your ideal woman with the “F” cups didn’t choose her natural size anymore than me choosing my natural “C” cups. If you like big breasts, fine, but don’t criticize women for something they have no control over. Also, you have some serious issues if you think that a woman with small breasts is like being with a man. I personally don’t think only liking big breasts are shallow (we all have our preferences on what we find attractive) but to say stupid things like “Don’t ever post A cups on here again or I’ll throw up” or “Women with small tits is like being with a man, I need a woman” IS shallow. The fact that she has a vagina, a uterus that can make a human being, that she bleeds every month for a week and doesn’t die, that she votes, pays taxes, works, is kind, caring, sensitive, and has female features in every other way is what makes her a woman. You like big boobs, that’s perfectly fine, but don’t criticize women with small breasts and treat them like they’re not human beings with feelings.
And also, don’t criticize women who get implants, either. We see stuff like this on a daily basis and get criticized for something we have no control over, then we get implants to be considered more “womanly,” and you criticize that, too. It’s a mixed message type of deal, even though I personally think that guys who criticize women with implants are jealous of the fact that with surgery, we women can pretty change anything we want about ourselves, our vaginas and yes, our breasts.
WTF??? Are y’all litle fucking kids? Personally, I love huge breasts! LOVE ‘EM! But…. come on kids…. It’s all about the pussy!
I Don’t see breasts as s*x organs regardless the size what i do hate tho is FAKE breasts all women should be happy with what they got
i don’t think meany straight men would be saying this but it’s what strongly believe
Anything bigger than a C makes me want to throw up. Needless to say, I think B is perfect. I also like my women petite, feminine, youthful. To each their own.
Great question. To be frank, I could never go less than a D in my life. But it’s unfair to ask a man married to a busty natural D cup wife. I know she isn’t the F cup minimum of myboobsite, but to me D cup is just the right minimum size to engage in mammary intercorse/”tittyfucking”. Anyone who says that boobs are not “sex organs” have not experienced a great titfuck. C cups look nice too in my opinion but in my experience don’t wrap around all the way. I don’t think I don’t have to mention why bigger is better because I would be preaching to the Quire here.
But there are some big turn offs with small tits. For one thing, I prefer my girls to look like women as opposed little girls… or even little boys.
And the excuse I always give people is big breasts are associated with fertility and the myth of being capable of storing more milk for offspring; you know, the whole evolution has programed my brain excuse.
Small or natural breasts could be the norm from now on as fake boobs have already had too much “air” time and blown their cover. Too noticeable, ugly, and much too often unnatural looking. The only good fakes are those which look normal and natural. Not to mention the film industry gave notice for applicants of future auditions requiring all female applicants to have natural breasts. The fake ones seem to have an unnatural effect on camera. I say, it’s about time. As for my tastes in boobage, I like “C & D’s” are nice but prefer and love “B” &”A’s”, making the gals look and feel young, whereas anything larger will hang lower and sag unless they’re fake and sit there unnatural looking while she gets old and wrinkled. Tit fucking, a pussy will always provide the best comfort, fit, pleasure all around, literally. Why bother fucking tits if you’re going to plant your face in them afterwards. Almost as bad as an ass fucking, or blowjob then going for a kiss. Guess a little planning and prioritizing is a must. Anyhow back to boobs, if they’re real and no other offers are in close vicinity, play the hand you’ve been dealt and enjoy. When it comes to marriage, tit size is secondary because personality is key in any relationship and growing old gracefully is the name of the game, not growing old and with boulders (applies to fake only). -_-
Brain is so much more important!!!!
I personally could deal with even a completely flat chested woman, but couldn’t deal with more than DD
I am married to a lady with DD titts. I would love to get my hands on a female with a smaller breast size. I would enjoy playing with an a cup but would prefer a b cup right about now.
I love from 26 aaa to 36 c
however boobs that are so big that they sag so fast and lose their shape for no reason other than being big boobs are not as enjoyable as boobs that are smaller that hold their shape. When it comes to women that have given birth that is a totally different subjects any size boob is enjoyable at that point.
PUTTING THE FIRST TWO SIZES TO THE SIDE FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION IN VALUE, I MUST SAY THAT I VOTED FOR A C CUP FOR THE VALUED PARTNER The carrier of this VIEW WOULD HAVE A FARE ENOUGH SEXUAL Charisma attracting me physically, ass well as not overbearing my logical obedience with over attracting fun bags. I could enjoy the average body c cup owner, more than the average proportion of a d cup. yet dd cups are so nice to support because of the proportion of soft flesh adding more emotional value to you’re exploration. yet for the larger sizes to become special play partners, they must contain a proportionate amount of modesty to give these jugs notice to me for they are noticed as big toys to jungle gym, and other value must be placed by me so that I am not clearly in a relationship with a pair of tities that become worthless in older age. as for the a and b cup, I would never allow space to vagrant women in terms of sexual attraction unless these small titties have an amazing personality to beguile my sence of attraction, in which, this case is the most warranted situation, yet being of my intellectual potential and state of experience I do not believe a women of the human species exists that is going to hold my attention long enough for her to satisfy my sexual attractions I need to be existent with a’s or b’s. In a relationship having length enough to be considered life changing, a women must satisfy a primal male instinct of attraction to get noticed. S o, in retrospect of common beliefe simplified; Women with little itty bitty titties, must either date a small minded individual, or implant tits that are large enough to satisfy his craving and yet also big enough to give value of love to this person as a partner. This case must be in reality a huge implant for fun bags, because fake tits suck unless you got huge f…in knockers.