It’s an unusually warm, drizzly Saturday morning here in Southwest England, so what better to do than stay in and watch some cartoons? Besides, the pub doesn’t open for lunch until noon and I’ve nowt else to do. Alternatively, of course, I could just sit here and stare at boobs (which, invariably, is what I will do since big tits always win in the end).
But what if I could unify the two? Not being a fan of cartoon sex, I won’t go down that avenue but I can consider the curious cultural crossovers which occasionally combine cartoon characters with cleavage. I’m not speaking merely in terms of abstract passing references (as was the case with my “Boobs the Builder” blog), but of something more literal (which, in my present state, considering the continuing mental fog from a festive Friday night, could prove to be quite the chore).
Fortunate for me, the delightfully breast-obsessed British mainstream media, my mates and magnificent mammary model Faith Nelson from InBedWithFaith came to the rescue. The first two came in the form of links, one from The Guardian newspaper’s weekly TV guide from a fortnight ago featuring an anonymous topless woman whose tits & torso had been painted up to resemble today’s titular reference and the other from my mate Weldun to alert me to the wonderfully voluptuous busty superhero that is Blonde Marvel (thanks, WD!)…

…the third, of course, was none other than the real-life blonde marvel Faith, who’d thoughtfully squeezed her G-cup breasts into a tight-fitting top and panties (obviously in anticipation of this particular blog ;~P) bearing the character in question before stripping it off and baring her boobs instead! And, rather than leave you all high & dry this rainy weekend, I thought I might as well include of few more of her recent galleries – including a terribly sexy one within which our 32G blonde goddess gets totally nude apart from her stockings & high-heels and flashes her pussy for the camera – courtesy of

Your welcome on the webcomic, here’s to hoping that the artist keeps up the good work. Anyone who likes needs to send their mams-love to Darrelsan. He’ll be updating regular again in Febuary, so don’t fret.
For those with Drunkduck accounts, here’s the address there.
Doesn’t Faith look scrummy especially in the last set! I’d love to be stomach deep in side her.
Good… LORD. Faith is just about as perfect as they come. Just an amazing looking woman.
Sam, what say you about her being our next Kitten?
It looks like her right boob has been mauled.
Thank the Lord common sense at last! I wanted to put her forward because she is one of my girls but I thought no, I’ll wait until others put her forward. Anyway, I’m just one spoke in the wheel of breastology So here is my vote. I vote to make FAITH a kitten.
But, wait we have to give notification first for one week before a vote.
So, Guys, next week saturday will be a vote on Faith unless you can secure three vote before that time in which case it will be automatic. So, you have my vote anyway.
Good! Because Faith really is just the picture of perfection. She is in my top 3 for sure. I just cant stop staring at her!
Faith is kitten material.
yeah! I vote to make Faith a Kitten!!! Jesus Christ she has a terrible boobs set!!
Thanks for the Faith, it was high time we had more of her. The outfits she wears in the first and fourth gallery look delicious on her bod. And Sam, I second my vote.
I don’t know. Sometimes Faith is classy, sometimes naturally kinky, but often she’s a bit vulgar. Too bad.
Yeah, alright guys I don’t think we need to wait until SATURDAY! That’s 5 votes.
and myself.
Right someone needs to keep a track of the Kittens.
So far we have Rachel as a kitten and mascot, Eden as a kitten and now Faith.
Reese can you some how keep a track for us because effectively the minutes of the votes are the blogs. What happens if we have a dispute!
MaGnUs that’s the first tiem you’ve voted and you’re usually the quiet one. She must have moved you in a certain way. I wonder how she did.
Hah, no Sam… It’s just that I usually see the posts when all the votes have been collected and the motion passed. But still, Faith does hold a certain spot in my loins (only my wife is in my heart that way), and I wish the brit beauty would “move” me in a physical way :>
Late as I am, Sam my man, I wholeheartedly support Faith’s elevation to Kitten status. She is simply a busty blonde goddess. Watching Spongebob cartoons will have a whole new meaning now!
LOL! I like spongebob squarepants. That show is really damn funny. Patrick is dumb. but I think what makes it funny is patrick and squidward. Nice blog you have here, can we exchange blogroll? my blog is Do let me know via email