Just wanted to let you all know that 32G Faith Nelson from In Bed With Faith has just started offering a 1 day / 1 dollar trial subscription for her site! It’s an idea she’s been toying with for a while (having been so successful in her test run of the program on October 4th through the 8th (I didn’t tell you about that one because I hate the potential disappointment of finding out about such limited time offers after the fact (a day late and a dollar short, as it were))), but she’s now decided to make the $1 trial a permanent feature…

…having visited the site after receiving the announcement, I’ve also found that our gorgeous G-cup goddess has also done a bit of a re-vamp! She’s got a lot more personal with her involvement and has even opened a members forum to keep in touch with her fans. However, I did find it rather sad that this strong, opinionated blonde who thinks that both Coke & Pepsi taste like piss (wouldn’t one need to be into “watersports” to know that for sure?!) and would rather eat kangaroo balls than McDonalds or Burger King food has never been in love (in fact, she just so happens to be single at the moment!).
And that, to me, is simply unimaginable. Granted, I’m sure she’s inundated with offers from blokes just to get on her tits (in both senses of the phrase), expecting nothing more than a ditzy, busty blonde to use as arm-candy. It’s sad, really, since there’s obviously so much more to Faith than meets the eye – and anyone who’s twisted enough to be into The League of Gentlemen and The Mighty Boosh is certainly okay in my book! Eh, maybe it’s her slightly slutty nature that puts guys off from making a commitment – who knows? Personally, I, for one, would consider the slut thing to be a major asset in a girlfriend or spouse!
But, alas, I’m already married with a busty blonde slut of my own, so I’ll have to regrettably pass on this one. Still, that doesn’t stop me from enjoying Faith vicariously through her website, and the opportunity to spend 24 hours with her busty G-cup blondeness for only $1 is just too hard to resist (and, if only it were IRL!). In order to share in said fantasy, here’s a bit more of 32G Faith Nelson from InBedWithFaith.com…

…that said, the concept of “test-driving” Faith has also brought back fond memories from my high school years: I was a teenager in the 9th grade and, being a bit of a geek, didn’t really have any friends. However, there was this girl named Robyn who simply wouldn’t leave me alone. A little blonde schoolgirl with short hair and a sassy, slutty personality, Robyn would pursue me relentlessly. I’d always thought she was playing the prick tease and just being mean by mocking the friendless, lonely nerd that I was. But then, I plucked up the courage to actually engage Robyn in conversation, and a genuine friendship blossomed from that point onward.
It turned out that she, too, was a lonely outcast as well and frankly blamed her overt sluttiness for others’ reactions. You see, once a girl had “put out”, she became a laughing stock due to the bloke-ish “been there, done that” attitude of her male classmates. “Whore”, “slut” & “school bike” (i.e. in the sense that anyone could “have a ride”) were the common terms of cruelty overheard in whispered tones when Robyn & I would pass by, and the girls were far worse than the guys in this regard. There was one exception, though – a busty blonde teen named Becky who’d joined our class toward the middle of the year, thereby expanding our limited circle of friends (which, considering there was just the two of us, was moreso a one-dimensional line).
Robyn & newcomer Becky hit it off immediately, being of remarkably similar and compatible personalities, and launched what I could best describe as an all-out assault upon the immature sexual sensibilities of the former’s teenage tormentors. In the classroom, they’d cast sensual glances toward each other whilst licking their lips with desire. In the hall, they’d hold hands or hips, occasionally stopping with Robyn playfully pushing Becky up against a wall and pressing their bodies together. On the school bus, the two would sit in the back seat, fondling, groping and snogging each other as the hormonally overactive boys looked on, using the excuse that they were just “practicing on each other” (thus the test-drive connection) and, to be honest, the sight of these two girls kissing was a bit of a turn-on.
This did nothing to dissuade the taunts, of course, and merely added more terms to their detractors’ arsenal of insults, with “lesbian”, “carpet muncher” & “muff diver” now being amongst the most popular (despite both girls’ oft demonstrated mutual ability to, like Faith, deep-throat an ice lolly (amongst other things!)). However, Robyn & Becky were having fun with this as kindred prick teasers and knew in their hearts that the boys secretly desired them more than ever (although none would admit it to their friends)! It’s funny how peer pressure works as, if the guys had simply been nice and friendly toward them rather than taking the piss with their peers, they might’ve genuinely been in with a chance!
Sadly, the wonderful triangle of flirtatious friendship the three of us shared was cut short when Robyn moved away the following year and I dropped out of high school to pursue university studies after getting my GED, the constant psychological bullying we received playing no small part in our respective decisions. Still, I wouldn’t have traded my brief time in the company of these two self-proclaimed sexy bisexual sluts for the world, and I’ve no doubt that it was this relationship alone that made my formative years almost bearable (so thank you, Robyn & Becky, wherever you are).
What brought this now ancient anecdote to mind was several galleries I’d encountered on my visit to InBedWithFaith in which Faith and Ann Angel are engaging in precisely the same sort of sexy schoolgirl behaviour that Robyn & Becky’s teasing targets had probably fantasised about (although C-cup Ann would have to get a serious haircut to resemble the smaller-breasted Robyn and Faith would need a perm to be busty Becky). Specifically, it was the simple softcore shot of Faith tugging Ann’s necktie from her school uniform that did the trick and brought the memories flooding back.
Thus, here’s 32G Faith Nelson & 34C Ann Angel posing at sexy schoolgirls and playing nicely together as well as being naughty (I mean… smoking – what kind of example are they trying to set?!) once again courtesy of Faith’s new-and-improved webite – InBedWithFaith.com:

Pardon my language, but Faith is fucking perfect.
Reese, Faith is the single most wonderful discovery I’ve made since starting to visit your blog.
I forgot to add… THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!
Thnx alot really hot girl
hey reese,the first picture link at the top has a picture set of faith wearing this bra and stuff,but like ive seen this bra on other asian models….makes there chest looks awesome-errr right …if you give me your email i can send you a link lol,thx
I don’t know what to say – Faith renders me utterly speechless.
Faith is definitely perfect, almost too perfect, if there is such a thing. Maybe it’s because they’re both british, but I usually find myself missing Linsey Dawn when I look at Faith. This is certainly nothing against Faith, she’s gorgeous. I would have to say Faith is also prettier than linz ever was. But there is just something about the aura of wanton carnality of Linz’s. I wish she hadn’t had the reduction, but it’s her life and boobs.
Don’t get me wrong Faith, you’re so hot. You’re an erotic china doll, so perfect that it’s unbelieveable.
Most of all she is totally beautiful in real life. And such a party animal!
Hard to keep up when she’s on the dancefloor! Guess who kept on teasing her about needing even bigger boobs for 5 days ongoing :)
I signed up for the $1.00 trial, and found that I couldn’t play the xxx video because it stoped mid-buffer, EVERYTIME!. Anybody else have this problem? It’s the only reason I joined, and I’m bitterly dissapointed. Any tips? Thanks.
Hey Reece,
Awesome website, Faith is proberly one of my faves. Have you checked out Kate Booth? Shes from Derby where im from and has a rather impressive 30G measurement and shes incredibly cute ;-)
very good . i am parsa from iran
The most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Amazing. Her accent is great and she seems to be funny in her videos. Seems to have a wonderful sense of humor. This would be the ultimate girlfriend to have. If I ever get rich I will look her up.