Remember my Rachel Aldana Look but Don’t Touch blog wherein I asserted her GILF potential was low because she looked sexually unapproachable (granted, I also said that she looked a bit like Stacey Slater cum Branning from Eastenders only with bigger boobs (shame about her hubby’s untimely demise, btw, although I sincerely believe the soap’s writers missed out on the prime opportunity to introduce Zombie Bradley to Albert Square))? I did warm up to Rachel by my very next big boob blog about her, but still can’t get past the feeling that it’s the highly polished and professional look of her pin-up style studio photos and videos which limit her super busty girlfriend potential in my ideal big tits fantasy world as is amply evidenced in her latest lovely Lavender Boudoir photos from the RachelAldana site…

…but that’s just her Rachel Aldana professional topless model persona shining through as ultimate unattainable glamour goddess of breasts whereas, if we spend a few massive mammary moments with the very real girl behind the big boobs for a bit, first impressions can change immensely. In fact, if we but hearken back to when an amateur Rachel Aldana won her Biggest Tits in Britain award, we can behold the busty girl next door our huge hooters honey once was well before her truly massive tits turned pro in their long-awaited topless PinUpFiles debut.
However, before we begin labouring over the misconception that that girl is gone forever, I must point out that those decidedly professional topless photos framed tastefully in black tell only half the story of what extremely well-endowed wonders her personal website holds in store for its big breast loving members. You see, in addition to her copious cleavage content of professional photos & videos on the site, there’s another side of Rachel Aldana – a more cuddly fluffy touchy feely type – a down-to-earth and accessibly sexy side which we get to experience vicariously through her personal diary entries with give us a gorgeous glimpse into the private side of her personal life such as can be seen in these candid hen night photos shot when Rachel was partying out on the town with her girlfriends drinking and sucking a small penis which ejaculates alcohol (ouch! although the thought of Rachel Aldana giving a blowjob is more than enough to soothe any savage burning boner)…

…even better for big breast lovers like ourselves, though, are ravishing Rachel’s sexy self-shot candid photos taken in the privacy of her own home. All natural and slightly disheveled with little or no makeup to hide her almost unnatural beauty, her candid cleavage pics capture the busty girl I’d like to fuck in her to pulchritudinous big breast perfection. In fact, it’s that second super sexy shot below which fuels the ultimate fantasy of fucking Rachel Aldana nude from on top with her gigantic tits pancaking precariously beneath my boning body preventing me from snogging her sexy face off as she lay naked below me (*sigh* – I must stop this wanking waking wet dream or else I’m never going to get any actual fucking work done whatsoever!).
Right, then – back to the candid camera work of Rachel Aldana – I was unblissfully unaware that photos like these even existed before I gave in to my big breast obsession over her massive mammaries and finally joined her website. Such candid big tits treasures remind me of the kind of close-up tits pics my on-line girlfriend used to send early on in our affair in her erotic efforts of enticing me to pick up sticks and move to England (and, yes, it worked). And so, all boobs and nipples and areola nearly eclipsing her gorgeous face sensually staring at us au naturale in the background, here’s our ever lovely Rachel Aldana naked with her norks out in these close-up candid self-shot photos from her personal diary section at…

…and, lastly but not leastly, another place on the site our mega-busty Brit’s bubbly personality really shines through is in her private webcam videos. In keeping with our titular other side of Rachel Aldana theme (that being her bum this time), I’ve chosen this particular video gallery because she sets out to prove once and for all to her fans that she has an ass (and a rather nice ass at that, although I was up until now unaware there were any outstanding ass issues with her) in these sexy ass and busty boobs self-shot videos from

WOW! I love the girl, but hate the tattoos. It cheapens her look. :(
I find her very false and plastic looking.She is obviously a bit pinched in the face and they keep altering her looks to compensate.I like evry few of her pics but the set of 9 here look better.Perhaps we should have a most plastic contest with anokee a firm favourite and Rachel Aldana not far behind.
Now this I can appreciate more than her photo-shopped stuff!
Bravo Rachel, Bravo
I continue to believe that the problem with Rachel is she doesn’t want to play to the point-blank fact that everybody watching these videos is (attempting to) jack off!
Just like a Playboy video where they over-edit the footage and too many transitions, constantly switching up the footage to where only a 14-year old boy could get off to it… Rachel just seems to think she can turn on the camera, take off her shirt, and that’s going to be good enough for everybody.
She should watch some of Taylor Kennedy’s videos (pinupglam). Taylor’s probably not as hot as her and doesn’t have that size of breasts but at least she gets it. She is extremely sexy, jiggles her breasts around, does different poses, gets on all fours and hangs them down, basically just acknowledging the fact I stated above and helping the bloke on the other end of the connection… Rather than ignoring it.
Just as one example… yes i have been a member at her site… (embarrassed to admit)..
In the webcams she’ll turn the camera on and just start talking. Talk talk talk, which I guess gets her off I don’t know. Faith had a way of doing this and it was extremely sexy because SHE IS SEXY and she always gave us what we wanted in the end. But then after all this talking, Rachel will say something like “Well here’s my boobs” and take her top off for a minute and then the web cam is over. *applause!*
Or she’ll repeatedly in various videos show us her bra marks at the end. Thanks is that some fetish I haven’t heard of? I’ve heard of tan line fetishes…
Wow, if only more Pinup girls would do candid shots like this. These are the photos I always look for!
Wonderful material, Rachel. You look stunning :)
She’s definitely the girl next door type (but with enormous boobs). Some of us like that.
The tats are not a good look though. In 10 or 12 years half the middle aged women of the western world are going to be shelling out for laser removals.
I have to agree with Breyen totally. Rachel does not appreciate that guys are getting off, literally, watching her. Guess that just means her experiences with men are limited. She seems to be playing to her female friends. Girls get excited about things differently. Well at least she’s not concerned about exciting the men to spew, that’s for sure.
Example was this video which could have been very erotic. Intimate time right after the shower. Why do we have to endure this annoying droning sound of the television? Such a turn off. She doesn’t play to the men. She’s playing to female admirers that’s my guess. I hope she wakes up, get’s that ‘shoot it baby’ look in her eye and stops talking excessively or switches her music to some frantic techno beat. She could really rock without becoming a porn star.
And even after seeing it I still don’t think she has an ass. I’ve been a bigger ass on 6 week old kittens. But I don’t watch Rachel to see her ass. Duh. She’s the perfect tit-fucking saddle! Who would care if she doesn’t have a big caboose. The only girls who are really concerned about their booty are girls with a horse face. Rachel gots the breasts, that’s all that matters.
Whatever, she could convince me to move to Britan.
I didn’t read your previous comments about Rachel, but it sounds like I agree with them: cute girl, lovely tits, boring. She has a girl-scout kind of straight laced aloofness to her. Come to think of it, she might look pretty hot selling cookies in front of the supermarket!
I’d almost put money on a bet that she’s a lesbian.
Boring? You are all nuts! Rachel is perfect.
Face it Vadd: Rachel is NOT a hot video maker. She is a fantastic and mouth watering pinup model. One of the best ‘slim and stacked’ in the last 20 years. But on video she causes shrinkage, not expansion. It’s just that simple. She plays to a crowd of girls. I’m suspecting she’s had one, maybe two boyfriends, ever, and was not turned on by their love for boobs. She’s different.
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DD? Man, remember the days when DD seemed big? LOL. That’s so average now.
I think I figured it out: Rachel’s camera crew is all women, maybe? Does anyone know? I saw a video where some people had those light sensors and they got in the video frame and they were girls. With tiny breasts of course. Can you guess why she’s not more of a cock tease??
I don’t know though. I love Rachel and always will. I still think the old TV production crew for the old Mike Hammer shows should re-unite and cast Rachel as Mike Hammer’s daughter, who finds out the old man has been rubbed out and now SHE’S out to find the killer. I just saw a Mike Hammer again last night and Rachel has just the SAME kind of jaw. She could easily be cast in that part and make it believable. Long time Hammer fans will remember that the love of Mike’s life was an international courier. No surprise that his daughter was raised in another country… Mike Hammer was the original big bust warrior. Any American’s in the house remember TV in the 80s? And bring back the original Velda and cast Angela White as her daughter and she helps Rachel Hammer bring down the bad guys. I think Rachel can look street tough if she wants to. I think she should do a photo set wearing a jacket tie and hat like Hammer.
It’s funny, Lindsey Bloom, the original Velda, could not have worn a bra bigger than C cups. Maybe even B! Yet she made big boobs a household name because she agreed to always show cleavage. Another Linsey, Linsey Dawn McKenzie, used to say how she always wanted to make it in Hollywood and TV. But it never happened. I think Rachel has the good looks it takes to make it on TV, and with a premise like Mike Hammer and the way the public accepts his “mystique” could actually make it work. She could cross over. Rachel could keep her shirts buttoned all the way up and they could have all these chicks showin their cleavage just like the old show and she could look at them and say, with English accent, “please, don’t embarras yourself,” or “looking for a lesson, sweetheart? make an appointment with my secretary…” with the same kind of cocky confidence Mike would have, and then move on and do more detective work… Only during the Romantic sections do any of Rachel’s buttons come undone. That’d be funny as hell. Some woman with a DDD cup walks up walking her dogs and bumps into Rachel. Rachel says, “Nice dogs. What’s up with you hot stuff? Forget to take your vitamins?” Kind of throws her shoulders back and walks off laughing and gets on her cell phone with the son of Pat Chambers, who we all remember from the old TV show, now is running the old Hammer detective agency… And he likes big tits twice as much as his dad’s best friend ever did, EXPECIALLY International sophisticates from the UK. Yes, he’s a chip off the old block. ‘Course, young Chambers never counted on … on the sheer size of Mike Hammer’s daughter’s rack — he never counted on love either, or settling old scores with the enemies of your parents … parents who were friends, and defended each other till death …
It could be a smash hit, I’m telling ya!
But today it’s called “Hammer Down Bail Bonds and Repo.” One stop shopping, that’s the 21th century detective. Forget “Dog” and his wife, they need young Chambers (get it? Colt 45 and 6 Chambers? Ok bad joke… good name for a NYPD cop huh?) and Rachel Hammer and “Hammer Down Bail Bonds.” LOL. Maybe not “Rachel.” Change names to protect the English. Instead of Michael call her Michelle. Michelle Hammer. You know Rachel puts jazz in all her videos. It’s modern but it’s a slow jazz, reminiscent of the old Mike Hammer style jazz. I’m convinced. She’s a jazz hound. She just needs to work on the Hammer style, wry, adult wit when it comes to smaller chested women and she’ll have it down.
Excuse me I just Googled it: that’s “Lindsay” Bloom. Pardon my spelling. She would need to be the Executive Producer of course and Rachel would have to take some direction from her. AND pay attention to Bloom’s accounting. Maybe Rachel can do her nails, or something sweet. But I think Rachel’s mother would approve of Bloom. I’ve seen Ms. Aldana on Brit TV she seems like a woman who isn’t afraid to have Rachel exposed, just doesn’t want her becoming a porn slut. I think Bloom would fit into that picture …
And smoking Pall Malls. No need to inhale, but that runs in the family, see. The need for tobacco. When Michelle was a girl she used to dip smokeless chew, she was so tough on the street. But when she turned 10 and got breasts she had to quit because she realized that was not so feminine as a sensual looking smoke.
And all of Michelle Hammer’s romantic interests wind up getting shot by gang members. A long list of dead ex-boyfriends. So sad. So tough, too.
But she also has to put up with jealous reform school girls, fresh out of jail, with no boobs at all coming up and beating her to a bloody pulp because of some stuck up bitch in a power suit has a grudge. Michelle struggles to make ends meet because finding clothes that fit is so hard, and the expense of her bras is sky high she lives a modest life. Mike was always getting beat up by thugs. Michelle has similar problems, just differnt issues. But when it comes to detective work, Michele is sharper than Agatha Christie on steroids, I’m telling ya. This London town detective can turn New York City upside down to solve a murder …
I’m fortune teller. I see Rachel’s future. She could make a fortune AND be on American TV.
Hey Reese, ever been in touch with the Rachel Aldana website people? Tell them what I said, I’d love it!
Now that I hear her speak, that adds a lot of personality. She seems cool, funny and bubbly. And of course is incredible to look at.