You’re all familiar with the tits-in-the-hands, rose-in-the-cleavage image used to create the graphic header for MyBoobSite (and no, Jes, despite the results of my “boobs without a face” poll, MyBoobSite’s banner is not up for a redux… :~P …besides, I kinda like it the way it is and, as they say, branding is everything). However, relative newcomers to MyBoobSite may well be blissfully unaware that this particular and uncharacteristically discreet topless photo was originally taken for charity purposes…
You see, I’d originally got my start in the big boobs biz as a publicist for a charity site called “VixPix – Tits Out for MS“. One of the promotional avenues I sought to explore during this time was the viral advertising potential of e-cards. Thus was born an ongoing relationship between VixPix and popular boob e-card site “Say It With Boobs“, and the rose & tits image above was created expressly in an effort to provide an appropriately breast-centric Hallmark-style greeting for the site.
Since that time, I’ve maintained a keen interest in any boobs-oriented charities – not only because of my own breast-obsession but also my firmly held belief that we should, as one visitor to VixPix once aptly posted, “Never underestimate the power of breasts.” Indeed, these bulging orbs of delight are employed with great frequency even in mainstream media to sell commercial products to the drooling masses, so why should non-profit foundations be left out of the loop?
And so, I’m always keen to learn about any charity involved with breasts – regardless of whether they’re specifically oriented towards breast health or just use a teasing hint of cleavage to draw in potential donors – and love the opportunity to use MyBoobSite as a vehicle to assist in their promotion. The latest charitable effort to cross my radar came courtesy of an e-mail from my mate Roger…
Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on ‘donating a mammogram’ for free (pink window in the middle).
This doesn’t cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors / advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.
Here’s the web site! Pass it along to people you know.
…but, rather than merely passing it along to ten friends as requested, I decided that the million+ monthly visitors to MyBoobSite might want to help! Bountiful batch of big boob lovers that we are, I figured that not only would the early detection of breast cancer be an issue quite close to our hearts, but also that this is a link that we can quite safely and harmlessly pass along to friends and family without fear of revealing the true depth of our collective breast-fetish! ;~)
Besides, as it said in the e-mail, it doesn’t cost a bloody thing to make a donation! All you’re being asked to contribute is the simple click of a mouse, and the accumulated clicks are counted up daily so the site’s sponsors can cough up the cash to fund these free mammograms! And, considering that in 2007 alone visitors’ 78,910,077 clicks helped to fund the donation of 2,986 mammograms to women in need, this innovative charity benefitting boobs of all shapes & sizes is certainly getting results!
Thus, can I please ask all of you – regulars and lurkers alike – to take a brief break from your boobs browsing and click on the link below. Then, when the page comes up, click again on the pink “Click Here to Give – it’s FREE!” box (ok, so it takes two clicks, big deal) to register your clicky contribution to the cause (and, if you can remember, do it daily as the counter resets every 24 hours). Then, e-mail all your friends and loved ones to alert them to this most worthy cause as, together, we can all help make a difference:

[By the way, if you’ve got a website or blog of your own, TheBreastCancerSite has prepared gaphic links like the one featured above so that you can encourage your own site visitors to help out as well! The graphic link also fits quite nicely into your e-mail and forum signatures, and they’ve kindly provided this convenient copy & paste code to make it easy to do so.]
Applause Reese ,
To you and your friend. I wish I had know about this when We discussed doing something similar with ….uh the breast cancer donations.
I will copy and paste this instead to the other location. LOL also in my emails. I think it is a fantastic idea. I have had too many friends and family with cancers of different types. So I am happy to do all I can to help!!!
XOXO Chelle
Done. Excellent initiative, Reese.
Thanks Reese…. my ex, a rather busty polish gal is a breast cancer survivor. Lover of the big chest I am, and I can’t look at a bosom without thinking of hers.
Of course I’ll be clicking the button, but isn’t it a little sick of the sponsors to stipulate that they’ll only pay for a mammogram IF the site gets a certain number of visitors clicking the button per day?
A similar thing is happening local to me where a little boy needs a wheel chair and a some company or other has agreed to give him one if he collects his body weight in milk bottle lids! I hope he manages to just so his family will get to see the look on the company managers face when he finds out that his little plot to look like a philanthropist without having to pay out any money by setting near impossible tasks has failed.
Companies shouldn’t hold people to ransom either they should give to charities with no strings attached or not.
hey,Breast cancer only effects the outward look of a woman, and of course her femininity, how about MS?
Leaving a tingling sensation between her legs, that doesn’t add up to much. Rachel hasn’t had an orgasm since, I caught her unawares one night, which was 3 weeks ago. My love-life may never be the same again.
Multiple Sclerosis is bad for sex, you must know this?
Please try to campaign for MS at your nearest opportunity, or we will all loose our wives to a kind of null sex, which is no good for either party.
unfortunately those people who died last year, were involved in MS research and they didn’t know it, that’s because the doc’s don’t know what to do…..
MS is basically a bastard for those associated, but those who suffer is a right and left ball ache. I seek the understanding of all fans and associates of the MS resource centre uk and around the world to get together and sort out this problem.
MS comes in cycles, one minute you are OK, the next you are bad, even COPAXONE DOESN’T DO WHAT IT SAYS ON THE PACKAGING!!!!
My wife’s ability to come is compromised!!!
please help, lets make MS a thing of the past, for the people living with MS in the present.
Paul, I think you should re-read Reeses post. He states, quite correctly, that his whole business began as a result of our doing VixPix – Tits Out For Multiple Sclerosis.
Check it out.
And trust me, Reese knows all about MS.