If you, like myself, are genuine fan of wacky H-cup webcam goddess Taylor Stevens, then read on. If you’re just interested in seeing her tits, however, then you’d best look here instead.
You see, tomorrow is a big day for our Tay, because, at 6AM Eastern Standard Time, she’ll be losing her gall bladder. This is not due to any carelessness on Taylor’s part; rather, it’ll be the result of a surgical procedure to rectify the serious health issues she’s been experiencing as of late (the good news, though, is that the problem with her kidneys proved totally benign). And there’s no need to worry about Tay’s fabulous 40H chest, either, as the surgery is being performed laparoscopically.
She’s still rather nervous, though, and really appreciates the support her fans have offered through this difficult time. So if you’re on Taylor’s iFriends Fan Site, be sure to log on tonight and wish her the best and help take her mind off of tomorrow – she should be on-line from about 7PM to midnight EST – and please give her a big virtual hug from me & Vix. I just wish we could be with her in the morning to offer our support (and get the wonderful added bonus of seeing the lovely Tay without her make-up!).
But even if you don’t have the chance to videochat with Taylor tonight, you can still send her your best wishes for a speedy recovery – cards, flowers, a new car, whatever – as she’s provided a public postal address to pass along to her fans…
SUITE # 356
M3C 2E8
…and, Tay, if you get a chance to read this before heading off to the hospital, know that our thoughts are with you. You truly are priceless:

Good luck Tayor!!! I live in Toronto too so I know you’re in good hands with the doctors here. We’re all rooting for you and look forward to having you back on-line when you’re all recovered and good to go. We’ll miss those H-cup yummies but we can wait. :) Your health is more important.
All the best.
Doh! I spelled Taylor’s name wrong in my post. I suck. Oh well. Best of luck Taylor!
Big fan of hers for quite some time. It looks as though she’s lost some serious weight, though. Is this due to her illness, I wonder? I personally like her plump!!
At any rate, I hope things go well for her tomorrow.
I was in live chat with Taylor earlier this week and had a GREAT time! Taylor looks fantastic (I loved her before, but I think she’s dynamite now!) and she was in rare bouncy giggly form as usual. We both had lots of laughs, too. :)
I’ll be thinking about her surgery tomorrow and wishing her well.
Hopefully she’s in better hands than here in “the states”. Here, the cheap health insurance co’s don’t want to pay for the hospital stay, so if you have an appendectomy, for example, with the laparoscope, they let you stay overnight and kick you out the next day. Just when you’re hurting the most!
Also, a cow-orker just had his gallbladder removed and they had to do the big incision, so sometimes it can’t be done laparoscopically.
Tay, may your recuperation be pain- and trouble-free. :-)
Hey Taylor,
I know this must be a difficult time for you, but you have to be strong for yourself, your loved ones and yes your multitude of fans! I do not know your full medical circumstances and am not a doctor, but I trust you sought many qualified second opinions prior to your surgery regarding your condition to make sure the removal of the gall bladder is asbolutely medically necessary and there are not other options for you to pursue.
Just know our thoughts and prayers will be with you to see your health returned, Taylor! You must believe, you have many people on your side hoping for everything to go well in this trying time for you. God bless you.
My thoughts are also with you. My friend had gall stone pain as well, but he changed his diet and things are going much better with him. Are you sure you require the removal of your gall bladder to remove the stones? Is there any other medical treatment or alternative?
I hope things go well for you, for sure.
I agree with TaylorFan….I love Taylor plump. As a bbw fan, she is #1 on my list. I just think she is adorable. Not just her boobs (although they are the best I’ve ever seen), her face and butt are outstanding. I love her wide hips and ample bottom. I hope she completely recovers and is 100% better.
i like the way reese talk about the boobies bambies, hope it will help them somehow but it’s always a deal!
Anyway keep on the good work
Another beautiful woman who looks better without makeup… Wish I had HER as the girl next door!
All the best of luck from Holland here Taylor. Come back in good health :)
Speaking of ppl going to hospitals, what’s happening with Maxi? :)
How is she? I hope u can answer that for us(me) Reese :)
Alrdy missing seeing her on yur blog :/ Sry just a big fan hehe.
Hello Taylor, i am fan of South America, i will like more photos in many webs and magazines of your beatiful body. thank you, South America,Peru, 11 del agosto del 2006