I received an e-mail from my mate Pornster last night asking, since I was a boob-lover like himself, if I’d ever seen the woman in this photo. I replied that indeed I had, and that she was none other than Tina Small, a classic big tit model from decades ago who has since disappeared from the scene (more’s the pity). Rumour had it that her massive breasts were genuine, having been a sufferer of virginal breast hypertrophy – the condition I’d mentioned in my TW Girl blog a few days ago. Some time after the photo Pornster had sent me was taken, Tina underwent cosmetic surgery for a breast reduction and uplift. But, before you jump to conclusions, I’ve included some photos below of what she looked like after the surgery…

…alas, I only wish there were more to share, as there’s no one on the big boob scene today who can quite compare to Tina Small. *sigh*
Hm, I like the pictures BEFORE her surgery more (unfortunately not shown in your post). These pics are screaming they are implants, but with that longish tube-like look her breasts had before the surgery, they could have been real.
Thanks for dropping by and pointing out my oversight, which I shall rectify forthwith with some pre-op photos of Tina:
Shannon’s got a prettier face than either Maria or Darlene, and Darlene’s slimmer than shannon or Maria. But Maria’s boobs are biggest, so like you, I, too, would choose Maria over Shannon or Darelene. ;-)
As for Tina Small, the pic on the lower right of your followup comment and one other I have might have been the original and real Tina Small. But all the pics from Xavier’s ‘Every Inch A Lady’ pictorial are of a foam rubber prothesis she’s wearing. I believe the general concensus among the natural breast lovers who post to the newsgroups is that they don’t allow her pics to be posted to the naturals newsgroups.
One never sees her shoulders because that would reveal the straps holding her prosthesis on. And the weight of those foam rubber tits is not as great as the Real Thing, so they don’t sag enough for their large size, and they don’t have the dynamics of a real breast, pressure on one side of the boob moves the whole boob, not just a portion of it, like it would if it was real. It looks to me like the foam rubber fakes defy the laws of physics for real, heavy boobs made of flesh and blood. But he did a good job of making those fake foam rubber boobs. If you want to see more of these foam rubber monsters, visit farangdingdong.com where little Thai DingDong girls grow monster boobs roughly the size of beach balls and pose for the camera with these huge bras, big enough to use for a pup tent! (just kidding, but they are tremendously huge, but barely big enough to hold all thet foam rubber.)
ich finde die sehr großen brüste von tina small sehr geil sie sind so schön groß möchte sehr gerne dadrinne kuscheln
would like to get further from ms tina small; thank u
Tina Small is a fake just like Zena and Cindy Fulsom, Mandy Mountjoy, Melonie Tipps,Maria Biggs, Tiffany Swelling, Vicki Little ,and the farangdingdong girls They all wear prosthetic tits. I agree with Veryfree notice how you don’t ever see her shoulders? because that would reveal the straps holding on the prothesis. Some of the fakes just glued latex tits to their chest.
You can tell pretty easily from the first picture it’s a prosthetic. Look under her chin and you can see line where the prosthetic meets her neck. Beyond that the nipples are just silly. Anyone who has seen real large breasts know that their nipples don’t stick out an inch in perfectly flat tipped cylinders like that. It’s just silly and I’m constantly amazed that there were and still are people who don’t realize they’re fake – as in foam rubber and latex fake.
Tina is the best NATURAL EVER !
I did buy the mag, Xavier’s Every Inch A Lady many many years ago. I noticed the pics in the mag where a bit iffy. I remember I searched quite a lot of adult shops in search of films/mags of Tina small.
I never did mind anything on her, so if her boobs where real, would she not have been in popular demand!!
there not very big lol. i just cumed over my gfs face. woo me. at the moment she is sucking my cock
d is an idiot
Tina Small is 100% fake. Every blog, newsgroup, and website has confirmed it.
That’s too fake…
fake boobs are fake.
like, really fake.
just attachments to the outside of her torso, hidden by soft lens and clothing.
yes, look closer at her nipples.
look real to you? ha.
Where is she (Tina) right now? What is she doing for living? She must be in her fifties (or sixties)… Real or fake, those tits were attached to a woman. What happened to her meanwhile?
They do. Take a look at Uddermungolia: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uddermungolia/?yguid=181006059
Uddermungolia2: http://br.groups.yahoo.com/group/uddermungolia2/?yguid=181006059
Have a look at: http://www.123exp-health.com/t/01081081438/
Or just Google Virginal Breast Hypertrophy.
I doubt that Tina Small was even her real name. Come on, with boobs apparantly THAT large and the name of “Small”. Apart from which, it isn’t always the same face which peers from above those boobs.
its btatiful
Legendary FAKE!
Those of you who think that she is a fake are wrong. I used to live round the block from her house in Portsmouth. The first time that I saw her I thought that she was pregnant then noticed that there were bumps on either side. They were bloody huge! She studied at what was Portsmouth Polytechnic.
I would love to believe that you are right, Grow, that Tina Small is real. I just read her autobiography and it is very detailed. But where is she now?
Tina attempted suicide she is currently on a 24 hours watch in a hospital in cali. she attempted suicide after finding out she had breast cancer and her one breast was completly removed. she is currently on chemo and radi. if you dont believe me do some research
Yup.She like the New Tina Small,as the old was out.No way-very few the Score bimbos come close her big boob wise or personality wise.
And woman proves that a womans juggs can get as big as Tina Small.So so much for the asshole or asshole screaming fake,fake,fake.Of course,I think these Anti Tina Small Unpreasiation Morons are all turd eating assholes.
Is Titanic Tina A.k.a Tina Small -ultra top-heavy model-1980’s Blond with 83 Inch Bosom real.
Tina Small claimed to suffer from the medical condition known as Virginal breast hypertrophy (VBH) is not a medical name, but the more known name for juvenile macromastia and juvenile gigantomastia- that causes excessive growth of the breasts during puberty and has a much higher frequency than the rare cases of breast hypertrophy in pregnancy. She quickly became a sensation and a controversy within the pages of Fling ““some fans loving her and excepting her as is, while others not-saying she was beautiful and either needed a plastic surgeon or a forklift with cups. She lived or lived in the UK .Anyone ever meet her and this only open to real people, not clowns on the net-being funny. Unless you actually met her while filmed on one her movies or during one her modeling session, don’t bother sticking your ignorant, narrow minded retard opinions in.Explain those pictures of Tina Small,as a child her book,as a teenager,with growing boobs,that about 44 DD.those before and after nose job pictures.
I would love to believe that you are right, Grow, that Tina Small is real. I just read her autobiography and it is very detailed. But where is she now?
Read my blogs and don’t listen airheads with axes to grind.
Doc Thompson
SureTina Small is fake-She lives next door to me and her breast are way bigger than those in the pictures .The 84 inches one were the fakes,but the 184 ones hidden behind invisables cloaking shields weren’t.And her name fake.too.Her real name Tina Von Hiddenburgbreast.This ofcorse is the you refer to.She is clone of the Original known as Tina Small Fakeboobs.
Tina Small’s Mother
On facebook
Tina attempted suicide she is currently on a 24 hours watch in a hospital in cali. she attempted suicide after finding out she had breast cancer and her one breast was completly removed. she is currently on chemo and radi. if you dont believe me do some research.
Really,I don’t remember this happening to me.
Tina Small
I received an e-mail from my mate Pornster last night asking, since I was a boob-lover like himself, if I’d ever seen the woman in this photo. I replied that indeed I had, and that she was none other than Tina Small, a classic big tit model from decades ago who has since disappeared from the scene (more’s the pity). Rumour had it that her massive breasts were genuine, having been a sufferer of virginal breast hypertrophy – the condition I’d mentioned in my TW Girl blog a few days ago. Some time after the photo Pornster had sent me was taken, Tina underwent cosmetic surgery for a breast reduction and uplift. But, before you jump to conclusions, I’ve included some photos below of what she looked like after the surgery…
Right-how someone you think is fake,have breast reduction surgery or breast cancer ?Infact,where is all this coming from ?Two crack jobs with nothing else to do but post tons of lies about this woman ?You would love to believe that you are right, Grow, that Tina Small is real. I just read her autobiography and it is very detailed. But where is she now?
Well the real Tina Small lives in the UK and the fakeb you guys refer to lives in the Matrix.Answer good enough ?
Tina Small is 100% REAL. Every blog, newsgroup, and website has confirmed it.
Shame if your too stupid to get it.
Never. AMazes. Me. How they keep harping on the. Shit.they have tins small. Was fake.if. she. Was. Explain the teen pics?
Knight. Never. Heard of. Plastic. Surgery.seems the. Body,jaw,eyes. And nips look the same
Tina Small isn’t fake.I know her.We both work at local dairy farm
Tina Small fake?Shit. I was breast fed on those massive hotters.She’s my mum,you dickheads.
John Doe Severn is fake.-unlike Tina Small,whom i lived near.I saw Tina topless only once and those lovely 84 inch monster were indeed real.She said,the veins were covered up with lots make to hide them.She had tiny scars to from the uplift surgery.The doctor thought she nuts not reduce their size,but said no.She seemed like thought of as a sexy,top heavy woman-even her later career went badly.I think she a broken heart over someone or a falling out over a dear,freind that she loved.
TINA SMALL ISN’T FAKE,BUT WE THINK SOME PEOPLE CLAIMMING SHE IS MIGHT BE.I allot of idiots internet bullies blasting people over believing she maybe real.Those of you who think that she is a fake are wrong. I used to live round the block from her house in Portsmouth. The first time that I saw her I thought that she was pregnant then noticed that there were bumps on either side. They were bloody huge! She studied at what was Portsmouth Polytechnic.Whats stupid is Boobography making claims about something they have yet to prove,because said moderator wants to believe one thing over another.If your to claim to list truth don”t take sides or get off the net.
Grow….Doc Thompson
DO you want to share some genuine info about TS? I have heard the Portsmouth stuff before and also some info on a camera shop in that part of the world maybe?
Its pointless posting in here about whether she was fake or not. Just not quite sure to get in contact with you guys without revealing mail info to a bunch of non-believers….Any ideas?
@ Mark Haich You are correct in not wanting your email in the public domain – we don’t allow that anyway.
i saw Tina Small yesterday
mamman Says:
July 9th, 2008 at 12:34 am
Sorry,to say I’m real,but the asshole above who call me fake,never met me.Unless he has big dick,relitive to the size my big tits,I’m not interested.So you better be hung like an elephant or forget it.