I’ve always said that there’s nothing like a nice tit-wank. Well, I’ve just found a new site that’s totally dedicated to that particular delicacy! It’s called JugFuckers.com and serves up a bountiful banquet of boob sex photos & videos, sure to appeal to the most discriminating connoisseurs of mammary intercourse. And with models like Susy, Summer & Penny Porsche on the menu, they certainly dish out some generous portions! There are some who say that more than a mouthful is a waste. Silly buggers…everyone knows that it takes far more than a mouthful to make a meal!

long time reader, first time poster.
GREAT update = one of my favorite things to do with a well-endowed woman. I was “trained” by my first real girlfriend in the art of titfucking, tit-wanking, breast sex, boob love, passing the snake thru the boulders. OH what great memories. And what luck that I married a beautiful woman with a great set of breasts who allows me to “love” them sometimes.
Keep up the great work! I come here everyday just to see what lovelies you will share! Thanks!
Susy’s link isn’t working. Other than that, this is the best update ever!
J: Thanks for joining in and congratulations on your early tutelage in breast-sexpertology! I think I got a new tit-wank synonym out of your comments as well. ;~)
OMG…: Thanks for letting me know about the link! I’ve since fixed it, allowing for uninhibited access to the lovely Susy.
my gf agreed to do one of them wiv me. *cums*