For all of us here, the importance of boobs is an undeniable certainty. As one visitor to Vix’ tits-out for charity site once commented, “Never underestimate the awesome power of breasts,” and I wholeheartedly agree. Indeed, they at the very top of my list of favourite things, and in all of the other blanks as well! Still, I was struck with curiosity when I encountered my latest find in the on-line world of big boobs: “VIP Tits“. Now, obviously, since VIP stands for “Very Important Person”, then the full name of their site must be “Very Important Person Tits”. As opposed to what, though? Marginally significant person tits? Very important cow tits? I really don’t get it. However, I did get treated to a pleathora of pulchritude whilst visiting their site…which is, without a doubt, of the utmost importance:

So I went to Sacramento (infortunately too soon for breasts not bombs) last week, the group was still debating whether or not to do it at the time. I really wanted to go bare mine as well, but unfortunately couldn’t get a ride there.
I’m not sure how the boobs in the English paper sits with me. A knee-jerk reaction would be that I find it a teeny bit misogynistic.
At any rate, your homage to boobs is interesting. I celebrate mine all the time and whip ’em out in public! (You’ll see a post about that on my blog entitled, “Me and My Illegal Boobies”.
Nice to meet you, carry on!
Sorry to hear you missed the “Breasts Not Bombs” protest, but at least you didn’t get caught up in the unnecessary turmoil that ensued. I would imagine your lovely pair would’ve caused quite the commotion! Then again, if you’d brought your child along, you could’ve made a magnificent statement by breastfeeding at the event.
Personally, I’m not sure I’d classify The Sun’s “Page 3 Girls” feature as misogynistic, but it’s certainly sexist and discriminatory, imho. I think they should jump on the PC bandwagon and, in addition to featuring some REAL women on Page 3, perhaps add a “Back Page Bloke” for the gay men and heterosexual ladies. Any why stop there? A nice “Centerfold Couple” would be appreciated by the bisuals and swingers amongst us, or even a “Page 33 Transexual” for the more sexually adventuresome! Any of those would be a refreshing departure from the “sticks with tits” they force-feed us every day.
Thanks for your comments and congratulations on reclaiming your boobs for yourself!
~Reese! :~)
P.S. Nice blog you’ve got there!
Hey thanks!
Some of your pics are really nice, some of them seem like a hideous caricature of the beauty of the female form.
Well thanks for your reply and stop by my blog any time :)
@reese,, the chick fooling about with the cock at the bottom,, is that colt 45???