I’m sure a lot of you already know my wife Vix (although perhaps not in the biblical sense), as I’ve spoken about her time and again on MyBoobSite and even included links to photos of her within said text. Even non-readers who just come here to perve at big boobs will recognise her as the buxom blonde in the wheelchair that appears on every page of this site to promote her VixPix – Tits Out for Multiple Sclerosis topless charity drive…

…and those of you who’ve followed that banner link learned how MyBoobSite came to be and may have even seen Vix & me together. To make a long story short, it was our efforts in promoting her charity within the mainstream media (such as The Sun) that inspired us to begin sharing our mutual and borderline obsessive love of big breasts with the world and make a bit of money for ourselves in the process!
You see, Vix suffers from MS herself and had to quit her job a couple of years back because of the progression of her illness. But because of the nature of internet porn promotion, she’s still able to earn a living without ever leaving the house. In fact, since she works on a laptop, she doesn’t even have to get out of bed (or put clothes on, for that matter, leading me to wonder just how many naked bloggers there are out there?)!
With her VixPix site, Vix received countless e-mails praising not only her efforts on behalf of the charity, but also for showing that having MS doesn’t mean you have to stop being sexy. One woman even offered kudos for “being brave enough to bare yer boobs”! That one gave us a chuckle because, quite frankly, Vix is a bit of an exhibitionist at heart and gets her tits out at any given opportunity. Most of the regulars at our local pub have thus seen Vix’ tits in person (some have even copped a good feel!)!
Thus, it was only natural that she set up a website of her own as well. And, thanks to TheBreastFiles Playmate Sites, Vix now has a new home on the web through which to share more of her breasts than ever before!
On my birthday blog last month, I featured busty Brit Imogen based solely upon her resemblance to my wife, to which Mason wrote, “You know at first I thought I was looking at nude photos of you wife. Imogen is a dead ringer for Vix…” (ah, good, it’s not just me then). MyBoobSite reader Sam even took slight offence to my attention to said spouse’s doppleganger, saying “In fact instead of you banging on about Imogen, as nice as she is, you should have posted VIX on your birthday.”
Even when I don’t write about Vix in my blog, readers tend to include her from time to time in their comments. The most recent was on my last blog of 32HH Ashley when Jes remarked, “You can’t tell me that you don’t see the resemblance between Ashley and your very own Vix in the first set-pic.” And indeed I do, Jes, which is probably why I was so drawn to Ashley’s eyes in that particular photo despite the immensely erotic colossal cleavage formed by her compressed breast-flesh!
So bang on about Vix I shall (q.e.d.)! For our first selection, I’ve chosen a gallery of my favourite pics from an old series of Vix in our kitchen wearing a somewhat revealing sheer pink top (in fact, looking at these photos has me thinking we should do a wet t-shirt style shoot with that one – waddaya say, Vix?). Whilst I ponder the possibilities, here’s Vix with her tits in, and then out of, the revealing top in question at her TBF Playmate Site…

…ah, but those pics were taken a couple of years ago and there have been a few minor cosmetic changes since then. For one, Vix has taken to getting purple highlights beneath her long blonde hair. For another, she got a nipple piercing for herself last Christmas! Thus, in celebration of her new website, I thought I’d include a few photos that feature the “new look” she’s adopted. So, once again, here’s Vix in her most recent series showing off her newly pierced nipple for the first time at TheBreastFiles Playmate Sites:

Hey your wife is hot !! fucking lucky man !! lol
And she doesn’t mind sharing him either. Super fucking hot and lucky! HA HA! Great stuff Reese. Keep up the great work Vix.
…just beautiful…
I’ll bet she looks just as good in leather, Reese. Not that she’d stay in it very long;~).
That’s better! What a lucky man you are; Vix is a fine example of why you shouldn’t trust your mates dropping things round the house when you’re not in.
By the way I’ve got some photos you can post but my internet connection is down until the engineers come round, so I’ll have to bring them on hard copy! Where do you live again?
If Vix ever want to taste of the dark flesh, I’ll bring the hard copies round!
Reese & Vix
The two of you are very lucky to find someone of the opposite sex to share your lives with and your hobbies with. I wish the two of you the best of luck and health in all that you do. Sorry for being away from the site for a while. Work has me busy and traveling.
The two of you look like a couple made in heaven in your photo.
Vix, keep on livin it up. Let those lovely boobs pop out when ever you want.
Vix, you’re gorgeous and I admire your attitude. May you long enjoy showing off your wonderful boobs!