Don’t you just love the feel of lathering up and fondling a wet, glistening pair of boobs? I do. Trouble is, we have one of those uncomfortably small shower stalls that seem to be de rigueur for older houses in the UK. Once inside, it’s difficult for me to even turn around, so enjoying the company of an amply-endowed woman would be an impossibility. What is a dedicated breast fetishist to do, short of remodeling the whole bathroom?
Well, the miracle of modern science has come to my aid once again in the form of a breakthrough product known simply as “Shower Breasts“! Not only do these wall-mounted wonders provide adequate fondling fodder, they also dispense shampoo and shower gel! If only we’d had these when I was growing up – when my mother would threaten to wash my mouth out with soap if I said a “bad word” – I’d have been tempted to swear more often!

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