Everyone has different preferences when it comes down to what they find attractive in a woman. I’m not talking in terms of going out on the pull for one night stands, either, but rather the sort of girl you’d “take home to mother” with the intention of settling down with her in a long-term relationship. Sure, there are the obvious anatomical characteristics like body shape, hair colour and the size of their breasts (which, for me, would render such an ideal woman a voluptuous blonde with big tits, speaking from the purely physical perspective) but, as they say, it’s moreso what’s inside that counts – specifically, the behavioural qualities and attitudes which ultimately govern their outward presentation of themselves.
Some guys go for the shy, wholesome girl-next-door type when seeking out a potential mate whilst others gravitate toward more outgoing, extroverted party-girl type women whom they feel can spice up their lives with a bit more fun. Some want a nuturing, motherly type with whom to form the basis of a nuclear family and then there are those who just seek out the classy glamour model types so they can sport a bit of arm-candy when they’re out and about. Granted, I could go on forever coming up with different categories of girls based upon all of the unique personal preferences we harbour with respect to the essence of what we each find attractive in a woman, but today’s blog is about one type in particular: the total slut.
Now, I may be in a minority here but, ever since high-school, I’ve always found myself inexorably attracted to slutty girls. And it wasn’t just my hormone-addled adolescent brain thinking that said sluts would be an easy shag because of the overt sexuality they exuded – rather, I just really seemed to relate to these girls on an interpersonal level far more comfortably than I did with anyone else. My male mates, on the other hand, simply couldn’t get their heads around my penchant for prurient partners, often using such thinly-veiled vitriolic insults as “nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there” in reference to my female friends of this ilk. This left me with the overall impression that “normal guys” wouldn’t touch a slut with a ten-foot pole, lest it be just for a fast fuck, and certainly didn’t consider them to be “relationship material” by any stretch of the imagination.
However, be it “normal” or not, my preference for promiscuous women has persisted to this day and it’s still the total sluts that I’m most comfortable around. I was curious, though, as to whether or not guys’ attitudes toward such girls had changed at all in the past 30 years or so since I’d first formed my personal profile of the ideal partner, and so I’ve included a little poll at the end of this post to see what MyBoobSite’s readers have to say on the subject. But first, in order to illustrate precisely the sort of slutty behaviour I’m attracted to, I’ll call upon the perfect example provided by busty super-slut Kelly Madison in photos from KellyMadison.com…

…the photo which stands out to me the most in effectively exemplifying the true essence of slut-dom is the one wherein seductive succubus Kelly is sprawled out on her chair totally naked and putting her pussy on display in a manner most worthy of my vagina blog!
Indeed, I’ve witnessed this “displaying” behaviour time and again amongst those sluts I’ve known and loved. It seems to be their “mating call” much in the manner of a male peacock displaying his plumage to attract potential sexual partners. The most recent occurrence was at a pub party when my promiscuous partner, finding a bloke walking towards us whom she found particularly attractive, propped her leg up on the arm of her chair and lifted her dress to give him a lingering look at her panty-less pussy as he passed. Later that evening, the same guy approached me at the bar and said, “Blimey, you must be a braver man than I to have married that!”
So why would that make me brave? I simply don’t understand (and the bloke in question wasn’t able to answer me either when asked to elucidate). Rather than finding a secure comfort in slutty women, should I fear and loathe them instead? Is my selection of sluts as steady partners so far from the norm as to render me some sort of a freak?! If so, I don’t mind being branded as bizarre in the least! On the contrary, if “normal guys” tend to avoid these lovely slut girls at all costs, that just means there’s more for me!! ;~D And having a slut girlfriend or wife does provide the additional benefit of enjoying a more adventurous sex life than you’d get from most women!
Of course, it’s not just all about the sex. To be sure, you can have a fulfilling sexual relationship with most any woman provided that the two of you are committed to exploring intimacy to ever greater depths through the course of your relationship. With sluts, though, I’ve encountered an openness and honesty rivaling that of their less sexually expressive sisters, not just about sex itself but in all aspects of their lives. Who knows? Perhaps having an open vagina somehow equates with them being an open book! I just know that I’ve never had any deeper, mutually communicative or more fulfilling relationships than I’ve had with girls considered to be sluts.
But back to the sex, another behaviour that all of my slut girlfriends have inevitably engaged in, when they’re not actively out on the prowl pulling cock, is masturbation (which is probably when my fetish for watching women wanking originated). Girls who masturbate regularly know their bodies and what pleasures them better than anyone else, making them the most fabulous sex partners. What’s more, the rush of endorphins they get from their self-stimulated orgasms only serves to ensure that their chronic craving for cock and the casual fuck continues unabated even when they’re not getting any! Honestly, it’s a win-win situation all around, imho.
And so, before I get to our little slut poll, I thought I’d bring back our nymphomaniac ambassador in residence Kelly Madison to show what most good sluts do when not inundated with cock. Independent of whether she’s got a dildo or vibrator to hand, the stimulating jets of a Jacuzzi tub or nothing more than the coital company of her own fingers, Kelly definitely knows how to pleasure her pussy in the absence of a proper penis. Once again, here’s stunningly sexy super-slut Kelly Madison in a splendid selection of female masturbation videos that come courtesy of KellyMadison.com…

…last but not least, the poll: I’ve tried to structure it to take into account the range of opinions I’ve encountered in the past, including 1) long-term dating or marriage, 2) accepting such a woman provided you were able to change her, 3) the find ’em, fuck ’em, forget ’em attitude of one-night-stands and 4) totally avoiding “those dirty sluts” like the plague. Oh, and if you’ve got any further thoughts on the topic, be sure to leave a comment:
I love sluts!
You left out a category, the one to which I may place a vote. “Been there loved it but possibly wouldn’t go there again due to change of circumstance.”
On the other hand Kelly does rouse the ardour! Great body!
Men do not want to marry sluts in part because of evolutionary biology. A man wants to be sure that it is his children with his genes that he is raising and not the children of another man.
MG: Good for you (me too)!
Sam: Sorry for the oversight there. Am most curious what such a change in circumstances might be, though. Care to share any more?
woland: What if said sluts use protection (i.e. condoms being a must and perhaps an additional birth control method)?
Am now married to a virgin (at the time of meeting) (my wife)who has just given me a beautiful daughter. So, as much as I may dream of, or reminisce concerning (great) times gone past, to revisit those memories and to make them real would cause so much pain and hurt that it would render those fleeting moments of pleasure, sources of deep regret…..
Thus I service my hindden pleasures and fantasy here where it is safe and there are no other (real persons) that I can lose control with and actually touch and get into trouble. The distance of the Internet is as much safety as I need otherwise I fear my desires would overtakes me and damage my life, beyond repair. Imagine if I was left in a room with Eden More, Rachel, Alicia, Faith, Lorna Morgan et al, (Concentrate! I said imagine if (I) was in a room, not you!) I would have the self control of a drug addict in a pharmaceutical wholesaler. If you cannot master your desires you must never feed them their favourite meals.
I hope that makes some kind of sense!
yes ! I can marry sluts but if she simply promise to GOD that she will never ever do this again & she will be the best MOM for her Chieldren/s
And if some One is realy ready for A life time comitement I am also ready to accept her.
29 years
That sounds like a muslim name what is a good muslim boy doing on a site like this!
I am currently in a long term relationship with a total slut, and I tell you I couldn’t be happier.
If a woman is slutty she will never change. You’ll just end up getting cheated on and heartbroken/divorced.
The problem with sluts is that you’re never sure what the hell has been up there and what diseases she’s got. Would someone used to screwing anything & everything that’s got a boner be willing to settle down with just one guy?
I agree with Bill. Just fuck ’em and forget ’em. I dated a total slut. Plumbed every orifice etc. I knew she was royally screwed up and would cheat. So, I made a preemptive strike and cheated on her. Ha ha. It was fun telling her about it after we split.
the problem is the rather ‘loose’ definition of slut…. most go for the ‘sexmad cheater’.. where if it was MALE, it would be ‘stud’ – damned stupid stereotypes!!
I prefer the definition of a ‘perfect wife’ …:)
She must be a master chef in the kitchen, a super-nanny with children, strong, intelligent and sexy in public with you, and a slut ONLY in private with you! :) :)
I know all 4 is a dream, but most guys are happy with the last two… and I think you may know what the ‘largest erogenous zone’ is…. ??
Tricky one, Reese. My married life of over 20 years can be characterised as typically middle class, monogamous and very happy. It would therefore be hypocritical for me to make an assesment as to whether or not I would form a log-term relationship with a slutty woman. Yet that is what I voted, based on my fevered imaginations of what that would be like. The promiscuous, sharing lifestyle that you describe is one that keeps me entertained in my sexual fantasies. Like Sam, the Internet allows me to live out some of those fantasies. Anything closer to home would be detrimental to my marriage.
My most sincere congratulations to you and your wife!! I’m sure your daughter will make you proud. (Start practicing that ‘meeting the boyfriend’ speech. You’ve only got little more than a decade to get it right.)
As for the pole: I’ve always been a bit of the possessive type, and I don’t mind a woman who’s the same. So, I’m happy to accept monogamy in my real life.
I don’t mind a girl who “acts” slutty. But, I just couldn’t sleep at night if she really is a slut.
I like girls who are slutty in the bedroom. And wouldn’t mind dating Kelly Madison too!
I always find myself attracted to the exotic sluts, the slightly bigger girls that everyone call a slut in high school. they aren’t always actually sluts but he ones I knew were. My current girl was prude in high school but has been trying to open up. I don’t mind at all if she sees other people or flirts with other guys (or girls) I’m not really jealousy of others checking out the girl I have. The only jealousy I feel is when others have what I don’t but who doesn’t just a litlle.
Kelly still looks like a man :(
To me slut as a defined term is derived from the humorous definition; A whore is a woman who fucks everyone. A slut is a woman who fucks everyone but me.
So I don’t like sluts. I like whores.
Dude, in England we call ’em slags.
I love slags, they’ll do anything. Best one-night ever…..
Well, somebody says I like the to give some shots.
Afterwards I let some other people settle with them.
Actually, they also say I may pretend to settle for a short period, if it’s conveninet to me to have a housewife (cleaning my clothes, etc,,,) ;-))))
… may I be defined a bastard for this? ;-)
I don’t think so, since it’s the world. Injust.
Or – maybe – I’m just joking ;-)))
I have no problem dating or marrying a slut. What happened before to either of us before we met is not really anything to do with a relationship.
My wife, late 40’s, dresses very provocatively especially in summer. She is a total slut when it comes to showing off her body which is ample and curvy.
She doesn’t wear a bra, her breasts are not enhanced but still very firm, and often goes without undies.
I have known men to ogle her boobs, and also her ass, which is a fine one. But whatever impression she gives to others, she is most definitely with me 100%. We have no problems making out in public, and nobody has tried anything with her because we’re always together.
I want a black busty women who is provocative, I am a white maried male 55 years old but would love to meet a hot busty women for sex. I love high heels on a women and would likd to start having fun with a girl soon. 5ft 3-5 ft 5 thin waste double d, and 33-38years old . find me a girl like that in NYC to date. If you a black busty women looking to meet a white hornymarried male contact me please.
Wanting to meet hot horny busty females in Brooklyn ny for hot sex women must love oral and straight wear high heels have long nails be 5ft 5 thin waisted but big boobs. wear leather and be able to tease her man wear makeup and hoop errings prefer black hot women Am whit 55 years old 5 ft 8 be about 32-38 years of age.